Koko X Reader Part 3

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The men koko called finally arrived at the scene.

"Hurry and breakdown the goddamn door already."He commands, he didn't wanna waste any more time.

As they pried the door open Koko noticed that you weren't moving at all from the inside, your lack of motion made the man worried.

He tried calling out to you once again.
"Y/N, You okay in there?!"

How the fuck did you even end up trapped in a ferris wheel.

He definitely shouldn't have let you leave the house.

"Oi, Y/N bang the windows if you can hear me!"


Nothing you still didn't move an inch from your spot.

Koko was starting to assume the worst.

When they finally got the door out of the way, he hopped on the ride to get you out and felt something wet dripping to the floor but he couldn't tell what it was from the darkness.

He thought you were just in a deep slumber.

He grabbed and shook your shoulder gently.

"Y/N...I'm sorry."He said in soft tone.

He kneels down, and softly patted your head.
"Let's go home..."

He suddenly felt your weight on him.

"Y/N..?! "He said in hushed whisper.

As your body collided with his he could feel the wetness from the fabric of your clothes.
Your body felt cold and he could feel a  liquidlike substance in his hands.

Then it hit him.


You weren't sleeping, you were dying.

He wraps his arms around your fragile form, careful not to break you more than you already were.

He couldn't feel your pulse and you looked very pale.

He was scared to lose another important person in his life.

He was gonna save you. He wouldn't let you end up like Akane-san did.

The fear he felt was transparent from the look on his face.

Glassy eyes, his lips quivering and his brows furrowed.

His men leads the way as he carries you to the car.

He eyes would flicker from you and then to the road.

His suit was now covered in your blood but that didn't matter, he could replace his suit anytime yet you, he couldn't bear to live without you.


The chance of you making out of this situation alive was getting closer to zero each millisecond that passes.

Koko tries to talk to you in hopes of helping you stay in your senses.

"Y/N....can you hear me...

I know that me being guilty about all of this won't make you better...but I'll still apologize again and again.

You weren't Akane-san and you're not her replacement 'cause no one will ever compare to Akane-san.

You were you and no one can ever compare to you, I should've known that sooner.

So please don't go, you're all I have left.

If they take you away from me too

I won't know what to do."

The tears he had in his eyes were overflowing at this poing.

He was still in denial, he wanted to believe you could survive.

But he knows better that anyone that you wouldn't.

He won't be able to see your smile anymore.

He won't be able to argue with you anymore.

He'll look pathetic visiting your grave.

Who would constantly remind him to not overwork himself.

He took his hand and touched the place where your heart once loudly pounded whenever he would make you flustered.

Yet he could only feel your cold skin.

"If money ain't gonna make your heart beat again then I don't need it.Just please....come home with me."


"Y/N L/N has died 10 minutes before you brought her here sir, we're sorry."

I guess the person who always told him to relax was now having an enternal rest.


 𝙏𝙊𝙆𝙔𝙊 𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙊𝙏𝙎Where stories live. Discover now