𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚! 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧

105 2 0

-light sexual themes(neck sucking lmaoo)
-cringe as always
-not proofread so beware of typographical and grammatical errors


Hanma stares at you from the living room while you were cooking breakfast.

It's been such a long time since he last looked at someone with such love and passion in his eyes.

Oh how many years has it been since he felt this way for a human being, a decade? a millennium? Or perhaps a lot longer. He can't remember, the days that you weren't present in his life was long forgotten.

That's why he cherishes you. You knew he wasn't human yet you still loved him regardless of what he was and he remembers that eventful night with you.

His identity was exposed throughout the whole campus, everyone now knew he was a vampire and he had no choice but to distance himself from everyone including you.

But you were too stubborn, you chased him until the depths of the earth and eventually found him. 

"I love Hanma Shuji and that's you, I don't care if you're a vampire, a zombie or a fucking murderer. I will love you and I know you feel the same way for me too."

Through that little speech you gave him, the feelings he had for you that he tried so hard to bury resurfaced again and this time it was unbearable.

He could remember your small form wrap your arms around his neck as you prompted for him to suck your blood while saying

"This is the proof that I'm ready to accept you Shuji."

And who was he to refuse.

He chuckles as he reminisce those moments.

"What are you laughing about, you creep."

He snapped out of his trance once he heard your voice.

"I just remembered how much I love you."

A blush adorns your features at his words

"What tf are you so early in the morning." You say while covering your face, embarrassed by his sudden show of affection.

"Come on stop daydreaming, breakfast is ready."

He amusingly watches you struggle as you try to pry him out of the couch.

A sudden idea pops into his head and in the matter of seconds you were now pinned on the couch, trapped under his grasps.

"Yeah, breakfast sure is ready."

He looked at you with hungry eyes to that maked you gulped.

This man's mood literally did a full 360° backflip.


He controls himself from taking your blood on a daily basis, he treated you like the fragile human you were but sometimes his Impulses just can't be resisted.

"Can I?"

He looks at you with pleading eyes as he flashes you his fangs.

You sigh, oh you loved him too much to resist him.

Tilting your head to the side and gave him access to your neck, a sign that you agreed let him feed on you.

He stared at your neck smirking at the  littered marks he gave you from before.

He gave your neck small licks and kisses before proceeding to dig his fangs in it.

You let out a yelp of pain from his actions,gripping his shirt you shut your eyes closed.

You were okay with offering him your blood but you really weren't too fond with the stinging sensation that came with it.

He continues sucking your neck and you could feel yourself fainting.

Patting his back you told him to stop.

Fortunately he listened.

Retracting his fangs from your neck he looked at your flushed expression and the newly painted mark on your neck, and fuck did it turn him on.

Panting you could feel his gaze on you.

"You look way too cute and sexy babe."

Self-control left his body as he crashed his lips on your and forced you to taste your blood that was still present in his lips.

Teeths and skin sloppily clashing as you both maked out in the couch.

You both pulled out and out of breath.

He caresses your hair as he buries his face in your chest as he mutters an almost incoherent

"I love you."

"I love you too Shuji, now get up and let's eat breakfast for real now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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