Not the best idea..

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Sonic💯:Okay.. So I have some news-

Knuckles👊🏽: Oh god, what did you do

Sonic💯: Well me and Shadow decided to play a game right

Tails🦊: Okay?? Then

Sonic💯: The game was, "Whose family is the most dysfunctional" and it wasn't my best idea-

Silver👀: wtf happened 

Sonic💯: Shadow has been in the bathroom crying for over an hour and I can't get him out-

Blaze🔥: You're so stupid Sonic🤦🏽‍♀️

Sonic💯: At least he won!


Rouge💎: I'll be there is 10 minutes..🤦🏽‍♀️

Sonic💯: thank you😭


I know it's short but it's all I had- anyway hope you like this, I'm gonna go watch YouTube now and procrastinate🥰✌🏽

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