Chapter 6- Nightmare

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I stared back into Kai’s eyes. My mouth slowly opened to let a faint scream out.

His hand quickly covered my mouth, like a blur. 

I was able to remain calm for 10 seconds, then I completely lost it.

I began to mumble “What the hell are you doing? Oh my god! You’re crazy!” but I think all he understood was “asdfghjkl” because he wouldn’t let me talk for one minute.

“Emily, I know your wondering why I’m here but please hear me out.” Kai begged.

I paused. It’s 3am and he wants me to listen to a story?

I began my mumbling rampage again.

“Please. I do not want to use compulsion.” He calmly said.

Really? 3am and your talking about compulsion? 

We learned about it in my English class since we were reading a fictional story on vampires. Compulsion was when a vampire convinces you something that did not actually happen by looking directly into your eyes and saying the statement they want you to believe. The victim will repeat what the vampire told them to say and completely forget everything else. Unless you have a flower called Anemone in your system, the vampire will not be able to compel you. Also, Anemone could hurt vampires if consumed.

I looked at him and nodded signifying I would not yell. 

He slowly backed away.

I looked at him and in a quiet voice and asked “Are you drunk?”

Kai’s eyes widened even more in the dark.

“No, no.” He assured me.

“Then what the hell are you?” My voice rose to my regular volume.

“I’ve been wanting to tell you.” He slowly said.

I grew impatient and it was obvious. 

“Just give me 5 minutes to explain.” Kai said.

For some reason part of me screamed no! And the other said give him a chance. I was torn in between so I quietly sat.

“I came into this town for a fresh start, but when I saw you, you reminded me of my sister Clara.” Kai said.

“Great. Did you know every human being has at least one look alike? You found mine. Now get out.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Wait, wait.” His eyes pleaded.

“I am a vampire, in search of my vampire sister. You look so much like her I thought you could help me find her.” Kai said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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