Chapter 41

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Photo: Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna 1915

May 1915

Time flies by and its already May, Papa and Alexei has arrived from the front, and George has come back in St. Petersburg after two months and he's gonna be staying here for another month. Olga is at break from nursing due to her last breakdown while Tatiana and i are still doing well in nursing.

Maria and Anastasia continues to visit the infirmary everyday to cheer up the wounded patients, Alexei is taking a rest because he had another accident and Mama was very stressed out.

"Looks like someone wants to see you" Tatiana states as i saw George behind her, "nice to see you again Sofia" he greets "hello George, hows england?" i smile "great, how is it with your nursing job" he asks "Im doing so well i saved a lot of lives!" I answered "Thats good, i know its really tough for you to lose a patient" he says "Yeah it hurts a lot especially the ones you bonded with the most" i say shedding a tear, George handed me his handkerchief, i glady accepted it and used it to wipe my tear away, he pulled me into his arms and comforted me, "Its okay Sofia im sure they're happy in heaven now" he said sympathetically. I let go of him and wiped my tear away and smiled, "Thanks George, i have to go now my break is over, see you around, oh and i'll return your handkerchief tommorow i'll was it first" i stated "Its okay you can keep it" he says, i smiled and waved goodbye.

I went back to Mikhail Novikov's bed and find him gone "W-where's Novikov?" I ask one of the nurse, "He moved to a new room on Room C1- 30" she states, i sighed in relief because i taught he was actually gone.

I headed to where Mikhail was and find him sleeping, "Did he eat already?" I asked the nurse that was checking his heart rate, "Yes" she answered, i went back outside and took a walk, Vasily has been discharged last week and i miss him he was a fun gentleman, you might be thinking he's dead but no his not im just saying how a good man he is, once again im bored, i told the nurses and the doctors to call me if they need me they mostly call me to assist in Surgery since i was good at it especially at stitching the wounds as they say.

I went back inside the palace to check up on Olga and see how she's doing. I knocked and opened the doors and find her drinking tea, i sat beside her and poured myself a tea. "How are you doing?" I ask taking a sip of my tea, "Im doing fine and still continuing on my arsenic injections" she answers "I think you should stop on taking arsenic injections" I states, "What!? Why!?" She says, "Because i think its just making it worse" i say, "And why do you think so?" She sassed "Olga- its just my opinion but arsenic can kill! Taking many can be fatal" i stated, "Proof?", " W-what?", "See you dont have any proof to say arsenic is fatal" she says, "Im just saying Olga! Thats what i just heard and im just telling you!" I yelled, "Well you are no scientist or any!" She yelled back.

Our yelling was very loud that Mama and Tatiana found us, "What is going on here?" Mama crossed her arms, "I was just saying that arsenic can be fatal and she asks if i have any proof" I explained, "So thats what you two were yelling for? Over an opinion?" Mama asks but we said nothing, "Sofia go to your room and we'll talk about this" Mama orders, i walked out and shutted the door behind me, while walking to my room i felt really dizzy from all the screaming.

I sat in my bed swinging my legs waiting for Mama to come in and talk to me as she said but it has been 30 minutes. I layed in my bed to rest my aching head until Mama finally walked in. "Sofia, sit up and look at me" she ordered, i sat up and listened to her, "Sofia i get it at what you were saying Olga told me everything but you have to understand, your sister is impulsive meaning she tends to say things she doesnt mean to say, remember to treat her normally, i dont want to see any of you fighting again" Mama explained, "Yes mama i understand" i say, "Good, i have to go and check up on your brother" she says as she left.

I went back go the infirmary and came across George, "Oh hey Sofia where are you heading to?" He asks, "Back to the infirmary some patients might need me" i answered "Oh okay before you go, i have something for you" he says as he grabbed out a rose bracelet with my initial, "I heard you liked flowers so much especially roses so thought i would give this to you" he smiles, "T-thank you George its very beautiful" i smiled putting the bracelet on, "Im glad, see you around" he waved goodbye.

I headed back to Novikov's room, it was 5pm time for dinner, i made a salad and cutted it to pieces to make it easy for him, i sat beside him and started feeding him, Tatiana barged in and stood next to me, "So, how is it with you and Olga?" She asks, "She and i are all fine now" i answered, "That's good, where did you get that bracelet from?" She asks taking a look at the bracelet George gave me, "Its a gift from George" i answered "Oh yes he asked me what is your favorite hobbies and i said painting roses" she explained, "Oh okay i was confused on how did he know that my favorite flower was rose" i chuckled.

At the dining room we 5 sat in silence eating our dinners, "So, how is everyones day?" Papa asks, "It was great Papa! I talked to this very funny officer a whileile ago and he kept throwing jokes!" Maria bragged "Thats good, how about you Sofia and Tatiana? How is it with the wounded soldiers?" Papa asked us, "It was great there were no deaths counted today!" Tatiana says, "Good, how about you Sofia? How is it with Mikhail Novikov?" He asks, "Still paralized" i answered. Papa then proceeded to ask each and one of us about our day.

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