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Lee Heeseung's pov

I was sitting in my carriage, it was usually boring  but I have something to think about right now... Iseul.

She's pretty and polite too... But she's nothing compared to my first and only love ,  Kim Ora, she's the Princess of the North Kingdom, She left me for the  Prince of the East Kingdom, Prince Jake

I know I should move on, but something  tells me that she left me because she was forced to do so, which is also why I couldn't move on!

What's worse is that my father does not even know about our short termed relationship!, Our relationship lasted for  2 months or so, and  one would think that 2 months isn't much, and that a person can easily move on, but I couldn't, I somehow feel very connected to her...

I want her back from Prince Jake, he's the reason why she left me, and I hate it

It's been a year, well almost... It's been exactly 9 months since she left me for Prince Jake !!

What's worse is that I couldn't and I still can't stop their wedding which is taking place in 3 months !!

My wedding with Princess Iseul takes place  next month

God knows why do they want us to get married so soon!


I probably fell asleep in between, as we were already entering the kingdom when I woke up

We entered the palace and saw her majesty, my mother waiting for us

" Ah, my son!! How was the trip? Princess Iseul is beautiful isn't she?"

" Eomma !! The trip was great, and yes Princess Iseul is pretty!!"

Her majesty is the only one who knew about my relationship with Ora

She used to tell me to not be in a relationship with Ora as Eomma did not really like Ora and she thought that Ora would leave me for someone else... Which is exactly what happened.

I was not allowed to touch any women until and unless I became the king, and even if I did become the king, I was only allowed to touch my queen and my mistresses, if I had any , which also means that I never touched Princess Ora ... We've held hands before , and I've kissed her forehand  before, but that's the only skin ship  allowed for Princes before they inherit the throne

That assures me that Prince Jake hasn't kissed Princess Ora yet, but he will... Soon, If I don't do something to get princess Ora back

" Eomma, Princess Iseul is pretty, very Pretty but she's nothing compared to Ora..."

Her majesty rolled her eyes

" Heeseung ah, forget about Ora, she left you, she left you for someone else, and if you chase her even after you become the king then this might ruin your  relationship with Iseul. And I'm telling you beforehand, DON'T hurt Iseul for someone who left you for her own greed"

" I can't... I can't forget about Ora, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my entire life"

" Then I'm pretty sure you saw someone else and not Princess Iseul... She has the most mind-blowing aura and is known for being the prettiest and most intelligent Princess"

" Eomma , something tells me that she left me because she was forced to do so..."

" Heeseung... If she truly loved you then she wouldn't have left you, if she truly loved you then she would've faught with anybody and everybody just so that she could have you by her side, but she did not. Why? Because she was using you for her own greed! "

Those words hit hard

" I'm telling you once again, Iseul is a very kind and loving princess, and if you treat her in a bad way, or if you're the why she changes her behaviour in the near future, then you're just going to ruin 3 lives at the same time, you're going to ruin your own life as well as Iseul and Ora' s life. Think wisely"

I sighed

Her majesty walked out of the garden

I don't want to get married in the first place and definitely not to  Princess Iseul!

She's not bad but she's not the one I want to marry!

I decided to go to the library to ease my mind

As I was walking towards the library I overheard 2 people speak

" How is he ? "

" His health is getting worse, I'm afraid he won't be able to live for more than 4 months "

Who has health issues?

I couldn't even make out the voices as they were muffled

I decided to walk off but I heard something else

" His majesty needs more rest and he needs to eat well "

His majesty? As in Appa? How? What happened to his health?


Take Care!!

Saranghae ❤️




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