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Park Iseul's pov

We were in the court room, and I'm bored... Again!! It's like the second day of me being a queen !!

" So Mr Han what happened to the war that was supposed to take place? Did the North Kingdom say anything?"

" Your majesty we received a long role script from the North Kingdom"

Okay , finally some tea !!

Mr Han started reading the letter aka role script

" Greetings to the one and only king of the South Kingdom

I, Kim Jihan the king of the North Kingdom would like to bring to your notice that the war that was supposed to take place, might not take place, as my daughter Kim Ora, decided that solving the matters word to word will be much more safer, hence my daughter will be arriving at the South Kingdom by tomorrow

Thank you, I'll be praying for your well being"

(Okay lmao, I ain't good at formal speech so I hope this works!!)

" This is not fair! "

" What happened Iseul?"

"First of all they did not greet the queen!!"

Mr.Han snorted

I glared at Mr Han

Heeseung facepalmed

" Second of all, Princess Ora can't just pop up out of nowhere in my kingdom!! "

Heeseung sighed

" Iseul ah, it's to settle the matters"

" 3rd point, his majesty, they need to specify what matter." I said

" Go and drink tea Iseul, I need to discuss some matters with the ministers, also, Dr.Min will be here shortly"

I nodded and went away from there



Chapter 21!!

My lazy butt finally decided to update another chapter today!!

Hope y'all like the story so far!

Also eat well!!

Take Care!!

Saranghae ❤️



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