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Park Iseul's pov

Ora sighed

" My offer is that... We might not host any war... If... Heeseung marries me, you know I'm fine with being a mistress, but I just want to be with Heeseung!!"

Heeseung's jaw dropped and his eyes we larger than saucers

I scoffed

" First of all, use the formal speech while addressing THE KING OF THE SOUTH aka my husband! Also you have the fucking audacity to walk up to him, pleading him to take you back once he has a higher post than before? Also what on planet earth makes you think that I would allow YOU to be his mistress? Oh hell no that's not happening, definitely not after I found out how you treated him!"

Heeseung gasped

" Iseul ah, I know that you might be mad right now but please use appropriate language"

I sighed

" I'm sorry, for using vulger language"

Ora scoffed

" I wonder how are you going to be a good queen with this temper" she said

I smiled, a smile filled with pitty

" As far as I know, that's none of your concern, also... Correction, I'm not GOING to be the queen of the South... I AM the queen of the South."

Ora just struck a disinterested look towards me

" If you'd excuse me, I have important things to take care of unlike you... Going around using people for her own greed"

While Ora and I were busy in spitting rude words at each other... Heeseung just stood there awkwardly

" Sorry ladies, excuse me , I have to go as I have things to take care of..." Heeseung said

But before Heeseung could leave

" Okay then" Ora sighed

" I guess we'll be announcing the war."

" Princess Ora, please, can we talk about this later?" Heeseung said

" Anything for you Heeseungieee " Ora said with a childish voice

Heeseung had a weird expression

" Please do not address me with that unpleasant and disgusting tone, also your choice of words aren't decent... You're talking to the king of the South, have some respect... Also another reason why I don't appreciate you addressing me with that name is that my wife, aka the Queen of the South might not appreciate it... Now if you excuse me , Iseul ah and I have to leave"

Heeseung was pissed... I could tell, but I want to learn from him... The way he controlled his anger by talking to her so calmly, made me realise how I have such bad temper issues


Today's second update!!

Just a small motivational message

Believe in yourself, do what you want to do and prove those judgemental people wrong!! Honestly, you don't have to prove them wrong, as you don't owe them anything... But do it, cuz I know the satisfaction you'll get after seeing their reactions would be worth the hardwork you do today!!

Okay that wasn't small😀

I believe in you!!

Take care!!

Saranghae ❤️



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