Joonie - I don't need diapers!

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"Those ones are cute..." Namjoon mumbled as he looked at some pink princess diapers he found on the littlespace store.

He had been wanting to wear diapers more and more recently but he was embarrassed to tell his caregivers, he really wanted to wear diapers, but he didn't know how to approach them.

He bit his lip, adding them to the cart with the others he had picked out before shaking his head, maybe he could buy them secretly?

"Joonie? Are you awake sweetheart?" Namjoon whined, closing the laptop and getting back in bed, burying himself in the covers, he didn't feel responsible today.

"Namjoonie~" Namjoon recognised Hoseok's voice, he pretended to be asleep as Hoseok sat down next to him and stroked the hair that was sticking up from the covers.

"It's time to wake up Joonie bug" he mumbled, uncovering Namjoons face and grinning as he saw a small smile on his face which was slowly growing.

"I see you smiling there, come on let's get you dressed, you feeling little today bug?" Namjoon didn't know, so he shrugged, snuggling into his Hyungs shoulder as he was lifted onto his lap.

Hoseok frowned, noticing Namjoon wasn't acting as he usually did, big or little.

"Why don't you go and pick out some clothes ok? Your duckie onesie is in the washroom if you want it"

Namjoon perked up, climbing off his lap and toddling towards his duckie onesie.

Hoseok saw Namjoons laptop was on, so he went to turn it off, only to be met with the littlespace site where they bought Namjoons stuff, he saw the diapers in the cart and smiled to himself.

Hoseok bought the diapers, charging it to his card and turning the computer off.

Namjoon then came back, holding out his duckie onesie to Hoseok, who smiled and held his hand out to Namjoon, helping him get dressed.

After he toddled off to find his Yoongi-hyung, Hoseok went to find Jin, he needed to talk to him about what he saw. Although he kinda already knew what was going to happen. (Jin squealed, smitten with the idea)

A few days later the diapers came, Namjoon was in big space in his room, and the other members all gathered to open the packages.

"He'll look so cute in these!" Jimin squealed as he held up the pink diapers, squealing at how cute they were.

It was decided that Hoseok would be the one to introduce this to Namjoon, and he made his way upstairs with a puffy pink princess diaper in hand.

"Namjoonie~ I have a present for you~" Namjoon turned around and his eyes widened at the diaper he was holding.

"H-hyung, I don't-" Hoseok smiled, walking over to him, "now I saw you looking at them Namjoonie and I thought about how cute you would look in diapers" he continued, taking Namjoons hand, and leading him to the bed.

He was already feeling little and seeing the diapers he so desperately wanted wasn't helping.

"But hyungie, don't need diapers..." he mumbled, his voice sounding more childish.

"But you want them, and that's ok sweet boy, we all agreed that you're absolutely adorable, so how about we get you all comfy in your diaper hmmm?" Namjoon nodded, his face red as he covered it with his hands.

Hoseok smiled, ridding Namjoon of his big boy clothes and opening up the diaper, slipping it underneath him.

He put cream onto his sensitive areas so they didn't get sore and taped up the diaper, smiling as he watched Namjoon run his fingers over the top so it crinkled.

A cute giggle rang out from Namjoon and Hoseok couldn't stop smiling as he got Namjoons pink onsie with a little skirt attached, dressing him in it and cooing over how cute he looked.

He helped him stand up, patting his little padded bum and kissing his cheek, pressing his paci to his mouth.

Joonie giggled, holding his hand out to Hobi and being led out into the living room where the other members were.

Jimin was the first to squeal and run over to Joonie, picking him up and patting his diaper.

Namjoon giggled, pressing his paci to Jimins cheek and snuggling into his neck.

"Best purchase ever..." Yoongi mumbled to Hoseok as they watched Namjoon cuddle Jimin, his big padded diaper facing out for everyone to see how cute he was.

A/N: I'm alive and I updated this book you're welcome.

If you don't know what littlespace it's in the book description or you can just Google it. It's a perfectly valid thing that people may use to reduce stress and anxiety, if you wanna buy some cute diapers or a paci then GO FOR IT, YOU👏ARE👏VALID👏

This is a safe space and I will tolerate NO ONE bashing this, its something people use to cope, and no one should he discouraged from healing in the way they want.

This has been a public service announcement, ENJOY

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