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While Khushi is searching for the aarthi thaal in the store room for the evening pooja. Someone from the back of the room observes Khushi's every action and suddenly the person throws a wooden stick with fire into the room through the window. 

Khushi didn't notice it. The person runs away after throwing the fire stick in the room.

The fire started to spread everywhere in the room, then only Khushi noticed a large amount of smoke coming her way. 

Fire is also spreading fastly. Khushi tried to run and shout, or bang the door, but wasn't able to because of the smoke. She lost consciousness.

In the living room:

Arnav gets restless, by not seeing Khushi. He understood that his Jaan is in some pain. So he dashed to the store room. 

Store room: 

Arnav reaches the store room and gets stuck seeing smoke coming out from the windows. He immediately breaks the window by banging it.

Listening to the loud sounds, all others also reach there and get worried. 

HP and Jp also help Arnav in breaking the door. 

As the door breaks, Arnav rooted to his spot seeing his Jaan lying on the floor.

He rushes to her and takes her in his arms. 

On the way to his room, he asks Nani to call the Doctor.

By the time the Doctor comes to check her, Khushi gains her consciousness back. 

"Jaan are you alright? How you fainted and how the hell fire came in that room?" Arnav asks her cupping her cheeks.

Khushi nods her head as no meekly. Right now she is feeling very weak. As of morning she didn't take anything. 

Doctor arrives and asks all to go out except Arnav. After checking Khushi she says because of shock and stress she fainted,nothing to worry.

Prescribing some medicines she goes away from there. 

Arnav sits beside Khushi,caressing her hair"Go to sleep for sometime Jaan. You need the rest." Khushi drifts into sleep.

3 hours later:

Guests started to pour into Shantivan. Nani and Badi Dadi are welcoming them. 

Prakash brothers are taking care of the arrangements. Arnav is helping his wife to get ready and our lakshmi as usual is trying to disturb the lovely couple. 

Arshi's room: 

Arnav is kissing Khushi everywhere, while helping her to get ready. This made Khushi's cheeks blush like roses.

Me-eh Lakshmi their romance villain reaches their making Arnav mutter.

"I think you don't have any other work, other than disturbing my moments with Khushi." Muttering under his breath Arnav goes away,but not before taking Khushi with him.


Nani sees Arnav and Khushi getting down the stairs. 

She reaches them and compliments them" You both are looking so good." She even keeps black dots on their ears.

Arnav smiles and Khushi blushes. 

Arnav takes Khushi to the pool side. He himself decorated it with so much love for his Jaan. 

He makes her sit on the swing and pushes it. Giggles erupted from Khushi. 

Arnav's heart fluttered with joy. 


After spending some time by doing romance, Arnav leads her to the terrace, where he specially arranges their dinner with all Khushi's favourite items. 

Middle of the terrace he arranged a table along with two chairs side by side. 

Table is filled with all Khushi's favourite dishes like Hyderabadi biryani,Chat, golgappe etc., 

Khushi's eyes shine with happiness and lots of love for her husband. 

He then shows her the moon who is shining shyly seeing the lovely couple. 

Gleaming with happiness Khushi completes the rituals, later Arnav makes her sit on the chair and fills the plate with her favourite biryani. 

He makes a morsel and feeds her first. Then Khushi also makes a morsel from the same plate and feeds him. 

Like that two love birds complete the dinner by feeding to each other. 

After 5 days:

Arnav comes downstairs calling all the family members. He is holding some CDs in his hand.

Nani along with Badi Dadi and Dadi arrives there. 

Khushi asks him What happened? Why you called all of us here?' 

"Well the reason for calling you all here show you guys some video." He shows the Cd which is in his hand.

"What is in that video chote?" Nani asked him.

"It has the culprit Nani." Arnav says looking at a person. That person wipes away the sweat from his/her head.

Khushi scrunches her face.

Where as Nani and others confused.


"Yes Nani, culprit of the fire accident in the store room." Arnav didn't took his eyes away from the culprit. 

Others horrified listening to Arnav.

"Who is that person Chote?" Nani asked with quivering voice.

"She is from the family only Nani." 

"'She' that person a woman Chote?" Nani surprised.

"Yes Nani." Arnav nods his head.

The culprits face is now completely filled with sweat. 

"Prabha why you are sweating this much,like you are the culprit." Badi Dadi asks Prabha who is sweating even being in Ac. 

All gets surprised seeing Prabha. 

She stammers to answer. 

Arnav stands beside Khushi and asks HP to play the video. 

Seeing the video all rooted to their spots. Especially Badi Dadi. She looks at her daughter disgusting. 

The video showed Prabha throwing the wooden stick with fire in the room through window. Prabha is covering her face,but due to wind her face reveals. 

Hi guys here is the update. I know it is short. I couldn't able to write more because yesterday only I got vaccination of 1st dose and today I am feeling tired and having my hand pain. So only couldn't able to give long chapter.
I hope you guys will understand.

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