part- 7

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Arnav stood beside Khushi glaring at Dadi.
Badi Dadi was shocked,”Why did you do that?”
“What harm she had done to you, you stooped this much low.”She is shaking with anger.

“Anwer us Dadi, why did you do this?”Arnav asked, looking into her eyes.

“Haan, I admit I tried to kill this mute girl, and do you all know who the reason is?”Dadi questioned in return.

She looked at her mother, all looked at her,”Me?” Badi Dadi asked, pointing towards herself.
“Yes you only. You are the reason for this. My own mother is the one who is behind this sin of mine.” Dadi said looking at her mother accusingly.

“What did I do?” Badi Dadi asked.
Dadi looked at her smiling evilly,”Remember the day Khushi and Arnav went to the orphanage to donate something, that day night I heard you telling Devayani, that you are going to write your inherited land on Arnav and Khushi’s name, who are going to use it for an orphanage.”
“I didn’t like your idea at all, how can I like it, when my son and I should be the ones whom it belongs to. And adding to it, you even gave your jewelry to this orphan girl.”

“She is not an Orphan girl, she has a name and respect in this society.”Arnav roared.

Dadi rolled her eyes and continued,” How can I let go of the things that actually should come to me. So, I decided to get rid of this bitch….
The next second she was gasping for air,as Arnav held her neck and choked her to death.
Khushi along with Hari prakash and brothers pulled him back in time saving Dadi from ASR’s wrath.

“Chote, don’t take the law in your hands. Leave her to the police, they will teach her a lesson.”Nani said glaring at Dadi.

Arnav shrugged his hands and replied,” They are already on the way. Now be ready to spend your remaining life in jail.”

Dadi looks at them angrily. Soon Police arrived there and handcuffed her.
“This is all because of you!”She scoffed looking at her mother, who turned her face away feeling disgusted.

After sending Dadi away from their lives,Arnav and Khushi were sitting in the garden.
Arnav is sitting on the ground, while Khushi was sitting in between his legs.
“Can you do me a favor?”,

Khushi looked at him smilingly.
Moving her hair tendrils back, he asked,”Will you bring back my Sherni?”
He looked into her eyes,which were holding pain now.
“I am missing her so much, I need her back.” He continued.
“I looked into your eyes, when you got to know Dadi was the one who tried to kill you. The eyes once upon a time which used to hold fire are now holding pain. I cannot tolerate it. I want my Khushi, who fights back if anyone tries to insult her or try to harm her. She is a sherni. I want her to be back now to be with me and fight along with me in our upcoming battles.”

She signs,’It is not possible. Sherni got broken by the people whom she trusted mostly.’

“I know, we got deceived by the ones whom we thought of as our people. We let them win in the past. But we can’t let them win again. This time we should fight and win. We will definitely win if you become that Sherni again.” Arnav completed.
Khushi cupped his cheeks,’What happened,why are you talking like this today?’

Arnav looked at her, sighing,” Shagun is back.”
Khushi’s heart thudded with fear, she was reminded of the time when she lost her voice.
Arnav felt it and hugged her tightly to his heart,”To fight with this fear,I need you to bring back the Sherni in you.I want you to be back just like our college days.”

A girl is standing with her friends and laughing freely.
Her laughter was resounding around the whole ground.
Some boys around them are eying her, while girls are getting jealous seeing her beauty.

“Guys did you hear this,soon our university is going to conduct, Indian Youth Festival.” Announced, Khushi’s one of the friends.

Khushi replied,”Yup, we know about it.”

“Are you going to participate in the music then?”Her friends asked her curiously.

Before Khushi they heard a voice from behind,”Of course! She is going to participate.”
Khushi looked at the person holding her hands.
“Do you know what you are saying?”She asked the person.
The person stood in front of her keeping hands in his pockets.
“I know very well,my Jaaneman.”
“Arnav, you know right. I am worried about singing in front of many people.” Khushi pouted her lips.

“Arey, you sang in our university programs many times. Then why are you worrying now?” Arnav asked

“That is different. Here I know the teachers and students, but we are talking about the Indian Youth Festival. Many other colleges will also come here. I don’t think I can sing in front of that many.”

Arnav smiles at her,” Jaan don’t forget you are my Sherni and you can do anything. What do you guys say?” He asks, looking at their friends.

“Haan,Khushi,please  accept na. We know you will rock it like always.” Her friends pleaded her
Khushi looked at Arnav and her friends pouting,”Say yes na,Jaan,pleasee” Arnav asked cutely holding his hands.

“Ok.” Khushi accepted to take part in the competition.
They all cheered up,while Arnav hugged and rotated her.

Same day night, Khushi was sleeping beside her Di,Shagun, in their room.
She felt someone was closing her mouth, scared,Khushi opened her eyes and got shocked seeing Arnav.
“Shh…shh… Don’t  shout. I am removing my hand.” Saying, he removed his hand.

“What the!What are you doing here?”She whispered, gritting her teeth.
“Shh..” He silenced her with his finger and helped her to come out of the bed slowly.
He took her out to his car and made her sit on the car bonnet.

She was in her panda night suit looking cute, her face was glowing more under the moonshine.
Keeping his hand on heart, He commented,” Waah” dramactically.
He pulled her towards him holding her waist,
“Your beauty is nothing in front of that Moon.” whsi

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