Part- 9

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"Where am I?" Arnav heard Khushi mumbling. He went to her side,
"Khushi, how are you feeling now? Are you in any pain?" He asked her.

"Where are we? And what are we doing here?" He helped her to sit.

"We are in the hospital of our Uni. You passed out in your practice room." Khushi then remembered what happened.

"Ohh yeah…when I was practicing some smoke erupted in the room and…I shouted for help…but no one came. After that…. I don't know what happened." Khushi stuttered.

Arnav calmed her down seeing her getting stressed, "It is alright don't worry. Now you are alright. Everything is fine."

Two days later, it was a music competition day.
From the morning, Khushi was in her practice room along with Arnav and her friends.
She was pacing in the room, making Arnav and her friends chuckle with her antics.

"Why are you stressing yourself? We all know you are going to rock it!"Arnav said, stopping her from moving.

Khushi looked at him, "You are saying this to calm me down. But only I know how it is going to end." Saying she ate the jalebi in Arnav’s hand.

Arnav raised his eyebrows.

They heard the announcement, calling all the singers near the stage.
Khushi held Arnav's hand tightly in nervousness, hearing it.
Arnav caressed her hands," Jaan, trust yourself. You are going to rock it like always."

"Haan, Khushi we are all with you. Go and rock it." Her friends chorused.

It was Khushi's time to perform.
She went to the stage and took a deep breath.
Opening her eyes, she looked for her Arnav, upon getting his wishes again, she started to sing the song, named  Teri Ban Jaunga(Female version).
And she aced it with great applause.

It was time for the results, Khushi stood beside Arnav, biting her nails.
"Calm down Baby, you have got it." He tried to calm her down.
But Khushi is Khushi.
Judges announced Khushi as the winner, and Her friends Cheered up for her when she was receiving the award.
The same night, Arnav took Khushi to their favorite spot to celebrate her victory.

Khushi was mesmerized by his efforts.

She felt blessed to have him in her life.
"I love you so much". She hugged him and kissed his cheeks.
Arnav understood her emotions and hugged her back.
Later, he made her cut the special cake he baked especially for her.
"Congratulations my Nightingale." It was written on the cake.
She cuts the cake and feeds Arnav, he feeds her back.
"Let us go for a long drive".Khushi said, how can Arnav deny it. So they started their long drive in his car.

He stopped the car on an empty road and came to Khushi's side.
Opening the door, he sat on the seat and took Khushi in his lap.
"Seems like sir, is in a romantic mood." She commented while settling on his lap.

Hugging her,he replied ,"Of Course. I am always in a romantic mood. But you are the one who can't understand it." He made a sad face.
Hearing this Khushi opened her mouth in O shape.

The next morning, the University planned a trip to Rishikesh with all the students.
The trip is going to start on Sunday.
Khushi,Arnav and their friends are also very eager for the trip.
Not knowing this trip is going to change everything for Khushi.

"I hope this trip is going to help my plan to work." Thought the Unknown person with an evil smile on her face.

Sunday arrived and students got into the bus, waiting eagerly for their journey to start.
Arnav and Khushi were sitting beside each other.

"Don't know why, but I feel like a big surprise is waiting for me on this trip." Khushi Said, while keeping her head on Arnav's shoulder.
He smiled etwinning their hands.

"You are right, this trip is going to change your life completely." Mumbled the unknown person.

Soon they reached their destination.
"Wow. I feel a kind of peace here." Khushi said. As soon as she got off the bus.

At night-
Khushi was sleeping along with her friends and Shagun. Her face is full of sweat and frowning in the sleep,which indicates that she is having a nightmare.

She woke up with a jerk, her heart was thudding with fear. Her friend who was beside her also woke up and saw Khushi,Who is looking so scared.
She asked,"Khushi what happened? Are you alright?"

Khushi looked at her friend,"Y...yaa I am alright. A nightmare that's it. I will go outside for sometime." Saying she went out with her phone.

Arnav who came out saw his Jaan standing alone and looking at the sky.
He slowly went and stood behind her, and hugged her from behind.
He frowned, not getting any reaction.
"Don't frown, Lard governor. I know it is you only." Arnav smiled sheepishly.

"BTW what are you doing here at this moment? Are you also not getting sleep?" He asked the reason.

Khushi looked at him and contemplated whether to reveal the reason or not.

He looked at her pale face and understood something was wrong.
"What happened? Why are you looking pale?" He asked, concerned.
"Oh…nothing. Just a nightmare." Khushi Replied.
'I don't want to worry you, Arnav. The dream is so horrible. What is going to happen to Devi Maiya?' She thought, while Arnav hugged her to his heart and caressed her hair.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen until I am there with you."He consoled her.
She hummed, hugging him tightly.

The next day they plan to river rafting. Arnav, And Khushi along with their friends are in one.
Beside theirs an unknown person following them closely,with an evil smile on her face.

Here is the next chapter.
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