Part- 10

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Arnav shuddered to see his Jaan lying in the pool of blood.
Everything was fine, they were enjoying the river rafting. Suddenly Khushi felt someone watching her. She turned back and then something happened that shocked everyone there.

As soon as she turned back, all she felt was a knife hitting her throat. She fell into the river, Arnav who saw this shouted, "KHUSHI" he immediately duck into the river to save his Jaan.
With great difficulty he got hold of his Jaan and removed fhe knife which stuck in her throat and  with the help of his friends, he came back to the Harbour.
By then Khushi was bleeding profusely.

Flashback ends.

He came out of the trance with Akash's shout,"Khushi,Jaan please wake up. Someone call the ambulance dammit." He shouted.

Soon the ambulance came there and they took Khushi on the stretcher.
Arnav also went with them. He didn't left her hand for a second also.
His heart is still thudding with fear.

His tears are pouring along with the clouds. He felt like someone is choking him to death.
After his parent's death, today is the day he felt again like that.

Doctors rushes Khushi to the OT, Arnav slumped down on the bench outside as soon as Jaan's hand slipped from his.

"Devi maiya please save my Khushi. Please save her." He mumbled.

Akash and Shyam felt bad seeing him in that condition.

His eyes were on the O.T waiting for his Jaan to come back to him like always.
After what felt like an eternity, they saw Doctor coming out of the O.T.
Arnav dashed to him and bombarded him with questions, "Dr, How is my Khushi? She is alright na. Nothing to worry right? say something dammit." He shouts losing his patience.

"Calm down Mr. Raizada. Nothing to worry about. She is fine. But…" He hesitated to look at his colleagues.

Arnav looked at him, "But… but what? What happened Doctor?"

Akash and others also asked.

"See, because of the knife, her throat got hurt very badly. I am sorry to say she has lost her voice." These words shook Arnav's world to the core.

He slumped down on the floor as a defeated man.

"How I am going to live without hearing her voice?"
"Can…can Khushi bear this news? What will happen when she gets to know she can't sing forever." Arnav cried.

Akash and Shyam tried their best to console him.

Arnav was sitting beside Khushi, holding her hand.

He didn't bother to Wipeout the tears that were flowing down his cheeks.
Just then he saw movement in Khushi. He called the doctor.
"Nothing to worry about. She is alright now." Said the doctor after examining Khushi.
Khushi opened her eyes and tried to speak something, but she got confused as she couldn't able to voice out anything.

Her confusion turned into worry and then she got panicked not understanding anything.
Arnav saw her panicking and tried to comfort her, "Shh please don't get panic."

'Why I am unable to talk? What is happening to me?' She thought with tears in her eyes.
She is not understanding anything. She looked at Arnav. Holding his hands. She showed her mouth.
"Jaan please don't stress yourself." Arnav tried calming her down. He can understand her state of mind now.

'What the hell is happening? Why Arnav is not saying anything? And why the hell I am unable to talk?' She tried asking Arnav
Who broke down into tears on her shoulder.

"I am sorry Khushi. I failed to protect you. Being beside you and there itself, I couldn't able to save you." He blamed himself.
Khushi got worried hearing his words,
"Today you are in this state because of me only. Because of me only you lost your voice." And that shaken Khushi.

Khushi looked at Arnav shocked her tears started to flow. Her heart broke into pieces.
'What the hell is Arnav Saying? That means,I can't talk now? Can't even sing also? How can Arnav live without hearing my voice?'in this state also she worried about Arnav.

She cried and cried being in his arms, for not being able to sing again and talk again.

"You don't worry. Your Arnav will be always beside you. Forever and ever." He promises.

Two days later, Khushi was discharged from the hospital and they returned to their university.
Arnav took Khushi along with him. After coming back from the unfortunate trip. He ordered Khushi to shift along with him to his flat. No one understood why he said like that,including Khushi.

"See. Don't take me wrong. I don't feel anything good from the time of this accident. I feel like someone is trying to hurt you. So, please. If you be beside me it will be a relief to me. I can take care of you every minute." Arnav said.

From then Khushi and Arnav started to live in his flat.

She started to feel insecure, But Arnav got her and make her understand nothing matters to him, other than her health and her is with him.

She already knows sign language as she learned that when she used to be in Orphanage.

One day she was sitting alone in the room, lost in thoughts.
Arnav saw this and kneeled down in front of her. Holding her hands, he asked,"Jaan. What happened? Where are you lost?"

She looked at him and said in sign language,
'Arnav,Shagun Di is the one who threw knife at me.' She said showing Shaun's Photograph and her neck.
Arnav shocked, "How can she do this?"
Khushi's face was covered with tears,tears of betrayal.

He can't able to see her in this condition, he hugged her, "Shh…don't worry Jaan. Everything will be alright. I will make everything alright."

From that day, he left no stone in to getting Shagun arrested.

Finally Police arrested Shagun, but the very next day Arnav's damn hell broke hearing the news of Shagun being bailed by some bussiness woman and She flew away far.
That day he took an oath,
"After winning the power and money, I will left no stone unturned in getting you back behind those four walls."

Flashback ends.

"Are you sure Aman, she is the one?"Arnav asked sitting in his chair in his Cabin.

Aman nodded his head and said,"Yes Sir. ANJALI JHA is the woman, behind Shagun's bail. She is the one who was helping that woman till now."

Arnav looked at the photograph of Anjali,"She loves to do business deals and She will kill the person, if they didn't co operate with her deal right?"

"Yes ASR."

"Great! Send a deal from us. Make a deal in that way, that at last nothing should be left for her." Arnav said smirking evilly.

'MRS. ANJALI JHA,Get ready to lose your everything.' Arnav thought.

Now the game begins.

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