part 2

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In one room in a mansion a couple are sleeping in each other 's embrace. Sunlight falls on a man who is sleeping hugging his love. He opened his eyes due to Sun Rays. His heart swelled with happiness seeing the sight in front of him.His love her sleeping cuddling to him like a baby. Chuckling he kissed her forehead and said "Wake up jaan.Its already 8 'o'clock. "

Then his love opened her eyes cutely and kissed his cheek indicating as she was saying good morning. Then he said kissing her forehead "Good morning khushi jaan. " Yup she is our khushi and he is our arnav. This is their daily routine to wake up from their sleep.

Arnav said "jaan first you go and take bath after you I will take bath. Till then I will make some calls. "

Khushi went to the washroom nodding her head taking her clothes.
Both went down stairs after freshing. Downstairs in temple nani is preparing everything for puja with the help of hp.

Arshi both went to the temple and wished nani "Good morning nani ".

Nani also wished them back smiling " Good morning chote and khushi bitiya. "

Arnav asked nani then "Nani everything is ready  for puja ".

Nani said checking all the things once again " Ha  chote everything is ready . Bas i am waiting for you both to come ".

They started puja. Arnav played the song which was sung by Khushi in the past when she could talk.

After completing the puja. They went to the dining hall for breakfast.
Khushi escorted Arnav till the door after completing breakfast. Arnav said, kissing her cheek " Bye jaan . Take care of yourself. Send my  lunch with mohan ok. "

Khushi said in sign language "No no no I will come to office taking your lunch. "

Arnav said chuckling "Achha baba ok. Then I will tell Mohan to bring you to AR ok. Bye ".

Khushi also waved her hand indicating bye.

Bidding bye to Arnav, Khushi went back to their room and started writing a book.

Khushi is a writer. She is the owner of Arshi publications. Arnav gifted her arshi on khushi 's birthday two years. She made many followers for herself with her writings.

Khushi went to AR after preparing lunch .
In AR :

Arnav is reading a file sitting in his cabin and looking at the door from time to time to get a glimpse of his wife. There she entered the AR wearing a blue and white anarkali suit with full sleeves.
Khushi reached AR and asked the receptionist whether Arnav is in his cabin or in a meeting.
Receptionist said politely that he is in the cabin.

AR respects khushi very much as a writer and also as a human being. Khushi also has many fans for writings in AR and also friends.

When she opened the cabin door she was taken into a bone crushing hug by her arnav ji. Arnav hugged khushi to his chest and inhaled her scent. Then he took her to the couch and made her sit . Then khushi took the lunch box out and started to put it on the table. Then she said in sign language to Arnav "Arnav ji where are shyam and akash. Call them here. "

Arnav nodded his head and called them.

Akash and Shyam are friends of Arshi from college. They work in AR. Akash works in the financial department. Shyam works under Mr. Roy. Who is the lawyer of AR and raizada 's. Shyam is the assistant of Mr. Roy.

Within some time Akash and Shyam came to Arnav 's cabin and sat with arshi. Khushi then showed them gajar ka halwa and jalebis prepared by her. Akash and Shyam love khushi hand made food especially sweets. Akash and shyam are also fond of jalebis like khushi.

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