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"Oi, Jaxx!" The obnoxious blonde called getting a long groan from the latter. "Why haven't you fessed up yet, huh? You really think I'd believe that shitty prank?"

Her frequent rival rolled his eyes and discarded his phone into his other pocket aside from the torn up paper. He was used to her behaviour, but at times Alex could get out of hand with her pushyness.

Which really made her wonder why anyone would ever fall for the brat. Oh right, just like the anonymous letter said, 'The psychotic chance of just because.'

"Hell, you think I wrote it? I was literally with you going into the school for God's sake!" He scolded, aggrevation laced in his voice.

"Dunno. Maybe your little boy toy wrote it!"

"Sora is not a boy toy, dammit."

"Well point still stands, he still could've wrote it."

Jaxx let out a dragged on groan before he thundered over to the entrance of the classroom. He quickly scanned the area with his vision of a hawk until he finally locked eyes with said 'boy toy' who was conveniently sat on a bench reading what Jaxx assumed to be a fantasy novel.

"Oi! Sora!" The red head called out, his boyfriend immediately perking his head up at the familiar voice. "C'mere!"

The blue haired boy placed his book underneath his armpit and sat up.

He carefully walked past some crossing students, looking left and right at the absolute traffic of students before crossing over to the classroom door like a lost puppy presenting himself to his master.

Ah yes, that was Sora Nebranski for you.

He saw clear through Jaxx's facade of being a gentle person around the people he could actually benefit off of or just like to keep around as company. He knew deep down that Jaxx was a classic ruffian terrorising the not-so prestigious school of Misana High, targeting students who he saw as weak.

Yet, he still picked out the pieces he wanted in him, he picked out what he liked and ignored the signs telling him to stop.

He did whatever was asked of the elder, and was soon rewarded with the title of his 'boyfriend' after the months of hard work.

The relationship was one-sided at first, Jaxx being the one who didn't share the same feelings with Sora. But somehow, his hard work started to bare fruition after Jaxx subtly started to show affection towards the other. The affection he always wanted from him.

Now they seemed like a pretty normal couple to the eye. Though Alex was still the one to bare witness to all the troubles of the relationship.

And that's exactly why she gave him the name of a boy toy, or on days that she felt special, a puppy dog.

"Jaxx, can you please make this quick? I'm not supposed to even be here I'm in class 3F4." Sora warned, sparing a shy look to Alex then back to his lover.

"Don't be such a wuss about it at least. Anyways, Alex keeps nagging me about some creepy ass letter left by her desk and is trying to play sherlock so she keeps blaming one of us. Could you tell her you didn't write it to stop her bitching?"

Sora jerked his head up with the remark of a letter, earning a stare as sharp as daggers from a frustrated Alex. And with that stare telling him the exact words of: IfyoufuckingwrotethatletterIpromiseyouI'llmakeyourlifealivinghell.

And by that, he quickly came on defense, "I swear I didn't write anything! I was with my friend Light the whole time!"

"And do you have any proof of that? I doubt it!" She jumped to conclusion.

"Here-! I-I'll text him-" He started, rushing to grab his phone from his pocket resulting in his book dropping to the floor. But before he could move any further with his actions a hand abruptly stopped him from pulling out his phone.

"Hey, stop terrorizing him for fuck's sake. He obviously said that he was with his friend and you have no right to push further. Got it?" Jaxx's rarely ever seen defensive side came in. Usually the male would sit back and happily watch the drama unfold. But supposing Sora was 'important' to him now he chimed in.

"But- How am I supposed to find out who the culprit is now?" Alex fretted, crossing her arms.

"Sounds like a you problem to me. Use your head that you rarely use for once." The insult came making Alex's mood darker.

She huffed and unfolded her arms, giving Sora one more stern glare before stomping back to her seat across the classroom.

Looks like Sherlock Holmes failed today's attempt on solving the mystery of the anonymous letter. Maybe she could try again at lunch?

Or maybe this mystery is darker than what she expected it to be.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now