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"What? Cat's got your tongue?" The perpetrator snickered to himself, his sickening laughter suddenly pausing and transformed into his previous monotoned expression.

It was almost like a glitch, similar to a malfunctioning character in a video game, it was petrifying, to say the least on how fast his emotions changed. It added onto the building pile of dread that surely towered over whatever hint of bravery the cowardly bluenette had left in his system.

And as the brutes pale lanky hands unlaced themselves around the now revealed by the new found light to be a dog kennel, the pile toppled over engulfing and swallowing him hole.

His dull aqua irises seemingly shaked as it followed the hand that would without a doubt be the cause of his pitiful untimely death. After all, it was the result of anyone who dared to disrupt the peace between the lovesick teen and his oblivious prey. But there was one catch.

He didn't do anything of the sort.

If anything, his legs seemingly turned to jelly anytime he was in the mare proximity of Alex. So the idea of him ever messing with her or being any type of bother to her never even grazed the surface of his mind. So, there leaves the question of why he even fell victim to the brute's cruel ways of torture.

He was immediately yanked out of his trance of fear as a sharp blade of panic sliced through his heart clean by the realization that in the time he spent in his mind pondering how his uncle would've reacted to him being gone, most importantly, his "boyfriend", he didn't even feel the cage falter as the small gate was opened up and his captor's hand was inching forward to him.

A cry bubbled out of his throat as it neared him, only to be gifted a slap to the face in return.

"If you want the tape off your mouth. Then shut the hell up." The man knee height to him ordered, the faint smell of cigarettes invading his nostrils as he spoke. (A/N: Don't smoke kids.)

Sora hesitantly obligated and through foggy vision clouded by tears, he watched as the latter resumed his business by harshly yanking off the tape off his mouth, a stinging sensation dancing on his lips afterwards.

He so badly wanted to touch them, to perhaps make sure they were still there even though the sicko only gave him a lip exfoliation for the price of his sanity hanging on by a thread, but to his disappointment he wss unable to provide himself with that reassurance as his hands were still bounded to the top of the kennel.

The predator arose from his crouched position, emitting a groan of satisfaction from finally being freed from the painful pose he had to endure for so long.

He took a quick gander at his prey, realising that he really did obey his orders and shut himself up even despite having the tape removed. He hummed pleased with his obedience and jotted it down into his memory.

Sora really did mirror his past self.

The sound of an object bumpily scraping the wooden floors made Sora's breath hitch and he immediately jolted upwards, staying attentive as a soldier, just not having the strength of one.

His timid blue eyes met a piercing black who already neatly propped himself on a chair with one of his legs ontop of the other and arms crossed, almost as if he was waiting on something.

And at that, he bundled all of his courage into one and croaked out four simple words that kept circling his mind the second he found himself in this unfamiliar hell.

"W-Why am I h-here?" Sora's voice managed to choke out.

A snicker bounced off the walls of the shed and squeezed him tight in its grasp, "Oh," He chuckled once again grabbing his thigh, "so it does speak?"

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now