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With just the feeling of the paper against his lanky pale fingertips, his plan was as vivid as day.

He could practically feel his beloved calling to him. Practically, begging; for him to execute and finally put an end to this wild cat and mouse game that had been weighing her down, but at the same time supporting her, to a close.

He couldn't even describe it as skin crawling. The latter provoked the blonde that it was more than skin deep and gave a ripple effect to the brute. Now, it was engraved into his bones of the brutal ways he wanted to eliminate his new prey.

But there was a bigger boldar of a problem that the predatorial maniac needed to get past till he finally gets to explore the cave of torture that lingered on his taste buds for the ruffian.

The relationship that Jaxx and Alex obtained over the few years they had been together. They were inseparable. Despite the extremely rocky road they battled, the two still managed to do it together and raise their swords at any problem gifted to them.

Though now, even if the knot of their relationship had loosen, they still might be able to tighten it and make it as strong as it was at the start.

And to say that that pissed Levi off was an understatement. He was furious.

Jealousy, Frustration, Possessiveness and Anger built into nothing but a six feet tall teenager who surpassed the morals of the average, he was a walking ticking time bomb.

Dare one thing set him off, everything in his path would be nothing but rubble.

Just by accidentally channeling his emotions into the fist that obtained the gel pen he was going to write to his property with, he unknowingly cracked the pen and the blue ink that was once inside was being distributed throughout the crevises of his hands and the paper below.

Realization hitting him like a ton of bricks on what he caused, he immediately released the pressure on his hand and winced at the damage he caused by the negligence of handling his emotions.

Profanities paraded out of his mouth into a whisper as he carelessly lifted the page up and off the desk, hanging onto it by the corner. Which only added fule to the fire since it resulted in some of the ink falling off the paper onto the girl's desk.

He groaned in annoyance at his own actions. The dark haired male quickly scampered into his pockets for any sort of rag or napkin to wipe his mistake off with.

Eventually retrieving a napkin, he attempted to sap up any ink that didn't already take it's place as a stain on her desk, he needed to also do this quickly due to him prancing around the classroom for the past few minutes. Someone was bond to come in at this time.

And his prediction, was unfortunately correct.

His heart dropped at the creaky sound of the classroom door being opened, and when he worked up the courage to turn around and face the potential opponent, his dark, practically black eyes, was met with sky blue hair.

"Umm, H-Hey," The blue eyed teen mummered, somehow seeming more nervous and scrambled than him, "I'm just here for a bag. So.." He awkwardly finished, trudging towards him and somewhat maneuvering himself around the taller to get to a red and black backpack.

The boy looked so familiar to Levi, yet so stranger at the same time.

It was circling at the tip of his tongue, almost as if it was taunting him. Then before the boy could even get the bag into the grasp of his palms, the switch finally clicked, for the taller, and probably elder male.

It was Jaxx's boyfriend, Sora Nebranski. The stray puppy dog who's only instinct that was implanted into his mind was following his master. And that was exactly what he was doing, retrieving the delinquent's bag to him.

"Sora." Deadpannded the brute. The other's body jolting up at the mention of his name that was said so sternly by a complete stranger.

The bluenette nodded in confusion, completely clueless to who the teen that was currently standing before him was, and more importantly, what he was capable of.

"Yes? Do I--- perhaps know you by chance?" His poor attempt to coversate came. And truth be told, Levi felt pity for the loner.

Always by his good for nothing boyfriend's side, mistaking infatuation for love and being soothed by lies everytime the delinquent got the chance to. It almost reminded him of himself.

But at the end of the day, he was something close to Jaxx. Something that would've sent him off his rocker if he dared to graze. And once again, it reflected him and Alex like mirrors.

So he just hoped that wherever Sora was going, whatever afterlife it might have instore for him, that he will forgive him for what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry. I truly am."

Before another word could've left the captivation off his porcelain lips, a powerful collision of a fist stopped him in the tracks of it.

He was simply at the wrong place, at the wrong time. And was simply too much of a door mat for the place whatever being above landed him in. He did him a favour. And it will prosper at the end.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now