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A few hours flew by in the bat of an eye. And finally, the students of Misana High's lunch time arrived. But only a few students were still in a certain classroom.

In class 1G6 sat an insanely stressed out blonde, eyebrows knitted together and a facial expression so provoked that no one dared to question her about her behaviour.

Not like there was no one to do so anyway. They all got frightened away into the cafeteria or any hiding place available after her insane interrogations about the letter.

Now it was just left with an absolutely deserted corridor outside, an aggravated blonde, and the couple making out in the corner of the classroom.

Wait, a couple making out in the corner of the classroom..?

The blonde did a double take at the corner as the realization of the couple finally hit her like a truck.

And laying eyes on why the classroom was so suddenly deadly silent, she clenched her fists in a ball and let out a loud huff.


Jaxx immediately jolted away from a poor suffocating Sora, who was forcefully slammed against a wall and given a free invitation to a one way trip into a make out session. It was consensual, of course. But still didn't mean that they could do it in front of the stressed girl and even worse, in school.

"Well shit, you weren't inviting us into whatever the hell you're doing, so I invited myself into Sora's mouth." Came the ruffian's dry sense of humour while his flustered boyfriend wiped whatever remained from the sloppy kiss off his mouth with his sleeve.

The teen sighed but it was soon rudely interrupted by the air piercing screech of their school's microphone, a scratchy barely audible voice following after.

"Attention all students, please if you have not already, assemble into the lobby in an orderly manner. Thank you." The announcement stated, another deafening screech ending it.

The trio gave each other a confused look, because this was a rare occurrence that only happened when something was crucially important. And it must be worse than expected, for them to interrupt their beloved students lunch time too.

Or maybe they just wanted to give a motivating speech about how the students could improve on their work ethics like that one unsuspecting time. They all crossed their fingers for it to be the latter.

Snapping themselves out of their staring trance, Jaxx quickly yanked his lover by the hand and dashed out the classroom, leaving the blonde teen with a wave signaling her to follow along.

And by that, she hurriedly shoved her pencil into her pocket along with the plane paper, crumpling it in the process.

And with doing that, she scurried out of the classroom following the two love birds.


Somehow, the three were the first few to bare witness to the newly found lobby.

It was decorated in rows of metal chairs with soft padding on the back rest and the seat. Along with a podium at front that rarely ever used to be seen.

Their heart and stomachs switched places with the knowledge of whatever this assembly was made for wasn't going to be pretty.

And they were assured of that by the sight of staff members shaking their head, almost like if what they were hearing was so dreadful that they refused to accept the fact that it was the truth.

And deep down, the three teens knew that that was the case.

"Everyone! Sit down this is important!" The voice of their Guidance Consular instructed as she trudged through the lobby to spread the instruction.

The teachers were in a panic frenzy trying to round up all the students they could seek out, only adding onto the pile of worries they had for what the situation could've been.

And, God, the sight of the teacher of Sora's class, 3F4, arguing with the principal didn't help to ease the panic that made their stomachs twist.

The lady always seemed so calm and collected, so seeing her in such a fit made it a known fact that something was surely wrong.

"We should probably sit down before we have a teacher yell at us to." Sora shakily suggested, his voice with a clear hint of worry.

They both nodded in response and picked out a row that was not to close for them to be easily targeted for question sake, but not to far for them to not hear a word. Especially, since it was known that whatever incident occurred the school was surely in a panic.

Once they sat down, the waiting game of everyone else started.

Pupils were rushing left and right. Some bickering over a seat and others having complete breakdowns from a possible spoiler of today's news.

But soon enough, most students that were found were seated and on high alert.

With each flight of chairs, a vapour of fear lingered through the air spreading throughout the assembly. Mouths grew dry, worries thickened, and the possibilities of how bad the situation could be tormented each and every single one of the students.

Except one, which we won't get into yet.

The air went thin at the sight of the principal, Mr. Hawkings, who lost all the pep he had previously that added life to the school, shamefully walk up to the podium. And with a clare of his throat he stated in a hoarse voice the following,

"Welcome. All students of Misana High school. I'm Mr. Hawkings, your p-principal." He introduced.

Something wasn't right. Mr. Hawkings wasn't known to be the type of guy to give an introduction. He just boldly stated what he wanted to. And he was most definitely not the type to stammer in his sentences.

It just seemed as if he was dipping the tips of their feet in hot water, well aware that they weren't prepared for the burn.

And their biggest fear was to know that that was the case. That was currently happening and no matter how hard they were prepared, they couldn't face the outcome of the tradegy.

With another clear of his throat, he continued, "I apologise for stalling, please understand that what I'm trying to get to is hard to break out."

He seemed so lost. So confused. It seemed like the energetic and encouraging principal of Misana high was replaced by a depressed twin.

And finally, with the words he could conjure, he announced the suspenseful topic amongst all.

"I am sorry to announce, that Misana may no longer be safe anymore. As student of class 1G6, Daniella Carves, was brutaly murdered by a possible member of this school compound."

And with each dish following the main coarse, everyone knew in their hearts, that the not-so-prestigious school of Misana High had a murderer, a wolf in a den of rabbits, and an animal only blending in with the surroundings of looking human.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now