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"Screw off, I don't wanna talk to you right now."

"Oh, c'mon, Al. Don't be a party pooper it's in the past now." Jaxx dramatically groaned, propping his hands on the blonde's shoulders but immediately getting swatted away.

Another day. Another time she had to deal with hellish school life. Well, semi-hellish because Maryn didn't show his face for once. That was a small pleasure for her.

She figured it was because she kicked some reasoning into him in the brawl she had with him. Maybe a few braincells into him. But right now, Maryn wasn't the one who was sending her off the edge for once.

It was Jaxx.

The red head had the audacity to try and fix their shattered bond together by slapping a bandaid on it with the word "sorry". And the blonde was not looking forward to dealing with the devil again.

Currently, she was absolutely seething with annoyance. But Jaxx being Jaxx: Her ignorant, arrogant, self-obsessed friend(?) was obviously to caught up in his own ways to care.

She was so close. So very close to-



And then another poke.

Following that one, another poke.

And as if it wasn't obvious that she didn't want to communicate to the devil right now, another poke to the shoulder.

"Jaxx." She looked up at him, invisible steam emitting from her head.


"Fuck off."


The rain bet like bullets on the roof top. Dark clouds of despair casting over the once gentle blue sky and bolts of lightning being the only sort of bright colour towards the atmosphere.

Alex sat there in her seat, fidgeting with whatever she could to distract herself from the distasteful weather that she dreaded with ever fibre of her body.

She hated it. From the way the sound of the thunder rumbled, giving her a brief warning that she would make an utter fool of herself if she flinched for what to come after. And her doing the exact same thing as the powerful sound of the lightning struck.

It was a constant duel over control of her body. Fear usually being the one driving it to flinch with each strike of God's mighty trident. Panic on if anyone would notice desperately trying to take the higher advantage.

But at the end, paranoia was the thing that pricked her everytime. No students nor teachers in her classroom ever seemed to spare a glance at it.

Atleast, so she precieved.

Lurking in the dark shadows of the back left corner of her classroom. A pair of dark eyes were fixated on her every breath. A hooded figure was admiring every precised move she made.

His eyes couldn't seem to go astray from the angelic sight so close yet so far away infront of him. They were locked with her precious honey blonde hair. The hair he wanted his fingers to be entangled and forevermore be trapped in her maze of locks. The hair of the head he wanted to sooth and cage from all harm the world had to offer. The head of the girl that he went as far as discarding basic human morals for, just for the satisfaction of one day hoping he'll get the courage to make her his.

And he would do it again until he could eventually won the main prize of her.

The hooded figure slowly rested his head down on his desk, making sure his eyes don't stray away from his lifeline. Proceeding with the ideas that were scattered in his mind for later purposes and blurring out the teacher's lesson.

Back to the light of the classroom, the admirer's goal fidgeted with her locks, desperately trying to distract herself from the spears that struck down on upon the ground, absolutely shaking her core.

Each rumble of thunder and spark of lightning felt like water touching a naked wire to her body. An electric charge being shot through her and causing her to flinch almost every time.

And out of all the people it could've gone unnoticed by, it just had to be Jaxx. The red headed asshole of a friend(?) she had.

A crumpled up piece of paper cannoned her way and collided on her head. A bolt of aggravation stricking through her more aggressive then the storm that was invading outside their classroom.

She whipped her head around and made contact with her on and off switch of a rival and was sent with a devious, no-good intentioned grin.

Trying to shockingly ignore Jaxx and focus on more valuable, important, non-harmful, (The list could very much go on) things, she resumed her previous direction and ducked her head, using her hands as a shield to protect from any further impacts making her slightly resemble a vulnerable baby animal.

A loud groan echoed through the back of her, the agonising screeching of a moving chair following after. She was a sucker to think Jaxx was going to stop there just because of her makeshift shelter. He was far too determined and arrogant to possibly catch the hint that she wasn't having a pleasant time.

Another ball of paper fired her way, colliding off her back onto the floor this time. Then another, then another followed up and that's when she finally snapped.

"WHAT IS YOUR GODDAMN ISSUE DUDE?" She gathered several eyes towards her direction. And of course, including the person she would've begged on her hands and knees to unsee her being in any type of distress.

Well, that was if she knew what he was capable of. How far he'll go for her. But currently, no one raised an eyebrow at him. And if they even for a second decided to double take on his image, that'll be the last thing they would've sawn. The real image Levi Zanior in the flesh.

He would've made sure of it.

"Ugh, someone please kill me." The opposing red headed bestfriend groaned once again. Dramatically slumping his body over the uncomfortable classroom chair.

The dark haired brute in the shadows couldn't help but think of the same verses that were once enforced on him as if it were a necessity to live. A key component to the ways of life that he, as of now, mocks and uses as only one reason to move on.

Ask and you shall recieve.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now