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"And he just never listens or understands me now matter how hard I try. :< Plus the Daniella situation is adding onto shit. Please help me Hayranı. :c" She finalised her rant letter with a huff of relief, neatly resting it under her desk so no idle handed person could've reached it.

Here the not-so enthusiastic teen was, a pool of anxiety adding up in her stomach soon to overflow and dilute the amount of jubilation left in her. If it hadn't already.

But the thing is, she didn't know why.

She didn't know why or what was picking at her. It was similar to a tiny shard of glass at the bottom of her foot, making it almost impossible to function until she removed it.

But, what was there to remove?

Perhaps it was Jaxx. The heathen had kept pestering her about forgiving him for his statement about Daniella, which she can only except will still countinue even if she had forgiven him.

He even sent his poor boy toy, Sora, a couple of times too. All that caused was someone coming out with mild PTSD. You could guess who it was, but here's a hint: It wasn't Alex.

Besides that, there was also the large elephant in the room, the reason behind half-broken relationship.

Daniella Carves.

She couldn't even think of the name without chills striking down her core. Anytime she did, she always felt like she was obligated to include a subtle "Bless her soul." under her breath. No matter how much havoc she had inflicted in the school compound it never deserved to cost her life.

It was almost like she was the only person who thought that.

The blonde started feeling somewhat isolated from her environment. Feeling as if she needed to keep her back stiff and alerted anytime she turned around. The only time she could relax herself was with Hayranı. He was the only one she could've trusted despite knowing so little about him. Though the only thing she knew and was comfortable with knowing was that he had the same mindset as her. The mindset of nobody deserving death as a punishment for petty crimes or actions.

Attempting to vision out of her clouded thoughts, Alex dragged in and out a sigh and forcefully jammed herself out of her thinking cove. Only crossing her fingers that she won't end up having to travel back in it for a while.

However, right when she was about to leave her desk to leave to her next painful period of class, the loud screech that summoned nothing but news of horrible incidents occured. That loud screech was no other than the microphone of the PA system.

By that air piercing screech alone, it made her claw onto her faith more than anything she could of imagined.



Was she wrong?

It transitioned from her awaiting the doom of whatever petrifying news that stood behind a podium to her becoming witness to dozens of students frolicking around with trays of goodies distributing it to whoever craved one.

Elated faces, students greedily chomping down on goods being served, and not one ounce of distress dared to contaminate the awfully sweet and bubbly air.

The complete opposite of the dreadful despair she was awaiting with the poorly made suit of armour she protected herself with. To say the least, she was puzzled.

"A murderer running loose and they decide to host a bake fair..? What should I've expected from here." The blonde silently fumed to herself.

And with the assumption of them hosting the bake fair to cause distraction to the tragedys that took place, she broke down her walls of protection she prepared and sauntered her way to some sweets of her choice.

But little did she know, down the hallway to hell, there was the devil himself had came across her note of desperation. A desperation that he himself tasted and desired.

The desperation of the last ingredient he needed to make his perfect meal, perhaps, maybe even a buffet.

As she was stuffing herself with any offerings of sweets she could find, she didn't even realise that a brute was currently cooking a meal that she would've never thought she'd have on her plate. A meal where the salt was mistaken for sugar and used carelessly in her dish of admiration.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now