Chapter- Why we failed 100 years ago- part 1

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"Hurry and close the door Captain Caspin. I don't need the whole town to hear in on your whole scandal. This better not be about the women, I swear to the goddess if I have to hear one more time of your men—" the chancellor said sternly, tirelessly scribbling away at his desk paying no mind to the hinderance that entered his royal chamber. But soon realized, that this was of a different matter. Not of the usual grievance at all.

Something far more important was brewing in the minds of his men. "Now, what is it?" The late middle aged man continued impatiently. "And, what do I owe the pleasure of this...disturbance?" He finished, setting down his quill ever so gently crumpling it in his fist across the table like an echoing reminder of who is really in control of all things pertaining to the city and Hyrule. Or so he wished.

"My lord," the captain gulped, fixing himself upward straight as an arrow. "I...I mean commander."

"Get on with it man...What is the meaning of this intrusion."

"Well, there's just nothing to it but to tell ya, so I guess I'll just have to tell you bluntly..." Caspin said, erecting himself as a proud leader of his ruthless Dragoons.

But before he could say a syllable, one of his lower men who escorted him blurted belligerently before he could relay the message. "We're fucked!"

Both Caspin and the commander stood still in awe at such a declaration. Impossible, they could never...Not the Dragoons...They were the best of the best...The lower man's words stung and before anyone could utter a word edgewise, he continued. "There's one among the guard, a prospect—no a fledgling actually that is, one who harnesses great power, the likes of which we all have never seen."

Caspin's words were robbed of him and he couldn't utter a breath. He desperately wanted to contest the notion but was tongue tied by the brazen interruption of one of his men.

The commander's eyes lifted. His assessment of their sense of urgency only stayed by a silent coldness that captured several silent breaths. In no time he awoke from his trance of thought to slowly lean back in his chair.

The gentle master set his scroll aside and his dark brown eyes focused on them both as his brows bent in scorching anger. Well hidden by a stir of uneasiness that pitted deep within him. "I see..."

The old man continued stirring in his seat, brewing a calm rage within his thoughts of what they would say. "Will he be...a...problem for us?"

'No! I don't think so!" The escort blurted.

"Of course not! Shut up, will ya?" The unabashed captain Caspin said, elbowing his subordinate harshly back several paces from a helpful heave to the chest. "I'm in control here!"

"Are you now?" The commander said, his voice cutting through like a hot smelted dagger. "Because by the looks of it to me this is anything far from controlled. A downright disaster waiting to storm by the likes of it!?...And I forgot my raincoat...If you get my meaning." he finished with an angered smile of pitiful dissatisfaction.

"No, I Swear! Commander Danarus! Please, listen!?" The captain pleaded.

"You have one minute..."

"Yes." Caspin coughed. He knew that if anyone were to be crossed among the entire army, let alone the world, the commander was not one. That Lord Danarus's rank was nothing compared to his true ferocity. His reputation was leaps and bounds past any rumor unlike other men. So, he spoke as clearly and as fast as his lips could move "What if I were to tell you that there could be someone even more powerful than you or I? What would you say?"

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