Chapter 1

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*Third person*

The smell of gas, diesel, cigarettes and alcohol roamed through the air as loud cheers could be heard through the street.

Two flag boys, both wearing very revealing outfits, walked out to the middle of the street as two sports cars drove up.

"Who ever makes it to the end will win 2k, now, I think we all know the rules so, get set." One flag boy said, as both lifted there flag in the air.

Both vehicles revved there engines.

"Go!" They yelled, whipping there flags down and the two cars took off.

The two racers where very well known for the two will always street race against each other.

The first sports car was a 2021 Chevrolet Corvette, it was painted a green and black. (I know nothing about cars, I looked up sports cars and picked two that looked nice)

While the other was a 2021 Ford Shelby GT500 that was painted half black and white.

In the end the 2021 Ford Shelby GT500 won the race the other trailing closely behind.

As the two exited out of the car, with both of them wearing helmets to not reveal the identity, and walked up to each other, they shook hands, congratulating the other.

"Good job there Ranboo, maybe next time, I'll win" The older man said to the other.

"You didn't do to badly yourself Dream, but we never know who will win when it's us to" Ranboo chuckled.

The two didn't hate each other but they also didn't like each other either, it was more of, they can tolerate each other type of thing they had.

"Till next time?"

"Till next time, you green blob" Ranboo said with a smirk, only to get a punch in the shoulder from Dream.

"Ok jeez, sorry man" The tall said, rubbing his shoulder.

They waved good bye and got on their cars and left.

If people knew a minor was making hard core cash from street racing, some will congratulate him for making so much money, some will whack him in the side of the head for doing something so illegal and stupid, while others could care less what he does.

Ranboo Beloved was a racer, a street racer to be exact.

He goes to school like any other kid, gets almost straight A's with a few casual B+'s here and there, but know one expects a straight A student to do illegal shit like Ranboo.

But Ranboo could care less, he was making thousands of dollars a week.

But here's Ranboo, on the next day, now sitting in class, waiting for the dumb bell to ring so he can leave and be with his girlfriend.

Ranboo loved his girlfriend very much, so much that he spoils the shit out of her, maybe a little to much, but to him, he could care less it was her happiness he was looking for.

As soon as the bell rang, he bolted out of his seat going straight to his girlfriends class room.

As he made it there, he saw her, typical blonde with strawberry tips, in a pink dress.

"Hi baby" Ranboo said walking up to his girlfriend, who's name was Amber (Sorry if that's your name) and gave her a peck on the lips

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"Hi baby" Ranboo said walking up to his girlfriend, who's name was Amber (Sorry if that's your name) and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Hi babe, so I was wondering if I can get some money so I can go shopping" Amber asked.

Ranboo raised his brow.

"Didn't I just give you some?"

"Yeah well I need more to shop" She said, He sighed and pulled out hid wallet and gave her some money.

"Thank you babe, I'll see you later" She said give Ranboo a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

Amber always takes money from Ranboo and he knows it's not for shopping, it was probably for partying or something but seeing her happy made him smile.

Ranboo sighed and started to walk away, going out of the school, going to his car and drove home.
665 Words

Holy shit another story made my me!?

Yes yes, I know this was probably shit but I hoped you liked it.

Anyway happy halloween!

This is my oc dressed up for halloween

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This is my oc dressed up for halloween.

What are you going as for halloween?

Im going as Chucky, that was the inspiration for my oc's outfit.

Also, I challenge you to draw my oc with how they look in the pic and send it to me through instagram or snapchat (look in bio)

Anyway have a great day/night!

Love you, bye💕

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