Chapter One: Strangers

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Chapter One: Strangers
Nick's POV

"Hello!" There was a hand waved in front of my face.


"Earth to Nick. Where'd you go? I've been talking about things for the past, I don't know, five minutes?"

It was cold outside, the frost had already made itself known to my appendages. My fingers were frozen and hard to close, my toes wiggled in the converse I had bought four years ago - purposely oversized. I knew I'd grow into them - and it seemed as if double socking didn't do the freezing toes of mine any good.

"I don't know. Something about that looked screamed 'I'm thinking about a guy'."

Ally and I shared a groan.

"He's not gay, Maddy! He doesn't even feel gay."

"Literally shut up, you say you have a gaydare but then you ignored the obvious signs that I was in love with you for three months."

"Hey!" Ally said, going to defend herself but I quickly spoke up.

"No, No, I agree. Because I easily picked up on the signs after a week. You didn't think the cheesy prom-posal was a giveaway?"

"Shut up, Nick. Just... answer Maddy. Are you gay?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, "Are you?"

Honestly? What were labels. I mean honestly, if you saw a pretty rock on the road you wouldn't go 'no I don't want that rock because I don't collect gray rocks'.

If you liked the rock than you liked the damn rock.

Sure human lives and rocks were different. But still, the notion was similar.

In fact, I was so nonchalant of labels, that I didn't really care if people called me she, a they or a he. They're simply things that don't bother me. Do I identify as a girl? No, I was confident with my masculinity. Did my identity revolve around no gender? No, I was a guy, I was a boy, that's what I was. But I didn't care if you called me a she or a they, hell even a Xy/xyr. It didn't bother me, because there was no need for labels.

At least not in my mind.

"Yes, I am, Why won't you tell us?"

I laughed, "Because I don't want to?"

"Well, okay, do you like guys? Girls? Both? Everything?"

"Why does it matter?"

Sometimes Maddy insistence got annoying, but it didn't make her a bad person...

She just didn't know what was too far and what wasn't.

"Because how am I supposed to set you up with someone if I don't know what you are?"

I ran a hand down my face and rolled my eyes.

"If you see someone you think I'd like, introduce me." I shrugged, smiling.

"Why can't you just-"

"I'm telling you he's not gay." Ally said.

"I'm telling you he is-"

Ally opened her mouth to argue.

Maddy took the opportunity to place her hand over her lover's mouth. "Shhhh." She said. "Nick, I need a favor."

I took a gulp of my water from my water bottle and shrugged, "Sure, what and when?"

"I need you to help me T-P my sister's ex, and I need you to do it tonight."

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