Chapter Nine: Tattoos and Convos

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Chapter Nine: Tattoos and Convos
Leozy's POV

There was a solid moment where Nick disappeared into my bedroom and the most I heard from him was the sounds of him swooning over my cats.

Concerned, I went to go check on him.

He stood there, fingers diligently and almost habitually flicking through a solid stack of cash.

His face, not excited, not grinning or enthralled, simply passive.

But there was another factor of his that stuck out like a bit of a sore thumb, and that was the completely bare chest of his.

He was shirtless, counting stacks of money with the flick of his wrist as if it was second nature. There was a bead of sweat going down his temple, but his skin was laced in goosebumps.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

He flinched, "Jesus fucking-" he laughed, pointing the cash out at me, "You scared the fuck out of me."


"Hey can you do me a favor?" He asked dismissing my apology and grabbing another wad of cash, handing it to me, "That should be 5k. I've already counted but sometimes I'm stupid, especially after a race when the adrenaline crashes and I miscount." He paused, "Not really ever a good idea to try and stand still and count wads of cash when your heart is pounding. But to each our own, I guess."

I took the crisp money from his hand, the feeling of it thick and warm between my fingers.

Solid hundred dollar bills, it felt illegal to be holding this much money so casually.

I wasn't a broke man at all, you made plenty as an editor, but my paychecks came in checks and account balances.

Not wads in my palm.

I started to count for him, slowly at first but gaining more speed as my hand became accustomed to the motion.

Still, despite the increase, he was still much quicker than me and he was able to get though his wad a once more before I had even finished mine.

He waited patiently, never once taking the wad from my hand or growing impatient, just waited.

When I finally finished I nodded, "5K,"

He grinned, "Good, I didn't get scammed."

"Is that from tonight?"

He nodded, "Yeah, in total it's 11k. It was a bit of an easy race so the profit was low on this one."

I chuckled lowly, "Low?"

He turned towards me, big doe eyes glimmering in the overhead lights. He looked innocent, like a guest simply asking for an extra towel.

His aura versus the way he looked, standing there with a wad of money in his hand, my sweatpants hanging low on his waist revealing just the top of his boxers. The way his skin was gathered with tattoos, something I never even took into the consideration of him having.

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