Chapter Four: Sneaking Out

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Chapter Four: Sneaking Out
Nick's POV

"Niklaus Daher, where the hell were you and why were you late?" Ally asked, crossing her arms.

I held up my hands in defense, "I slept in." I said defensively.

"You never sleep in."

"You're completely right. I didn't sleep in." I decided to just agree and let her make her own story.

"So what were you doing?" She narrowed her eyes.

I shrugged, "Sleeping in?" I flicked her forehead.

After Grizzly Bear dropped me off, I told him that I'd see him again soon, and if he got a random knock on his door at 5am, it was probably me.

I just needed my helmet back, and I also needed to give him his sweatshirt back. Which, for the record, I definitely recommend following exactly what I did. Because that sweatshirt was the most comfortable thing that I've ever worn in my whole life.

Then again, who knows how your experience might go. You could get a marine, a cop, or a Good Samaritan who will just decide to turn you in.

My situation was so strange. I couldn't really stop thinking about it. Couldn't stop thinking about how weird it was for a stranger to let me eat dinner with them and then let me crash on their couch. It really was a weird experience.

"Hello, earth to Nick." There was a wave in front of my face, "Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere." I glared, "I was thinking about how nice sleeping in felt."

"You didn't sleep in!"

"Yes, because I specifically remember you being there." I nodded my head dramatically.

Some say that Maddy is a little annoying. I agree, honestly, she doesn't know how to take anything against what she believes as an answer. But she's got the passion and the heart, she just uses it in all the wrong places.

"Whatever." She said, "You know who should've been sleeping in?" She asked, changing her attention to Ally. "You. You're sick."

I instantly stood up.

"Hell no. Hell fucking no." Call me a little dramatic, but being sick meant no races, and no races meant no money and even though I have plenty of money now, I couldn't not go to a race because I'm a little bit sicky wicky. No, so I just don't get sick.

"I'm not sick!"

"I know you, Ally, and you're little sniffles aren't caused by allergies. You're sick."

Nope, that was all I needed to know. "Where are you going?" Ally asked.

"Away from you. Allyson, I love you, really you're one of my greatest friends. But I draw the lines at sickness, absolutely not."

"Hush and come sit down. We wanted to ask if you if you wanted to go bowling with us?"

I looked at them warily, "I don't know. If I get sick, I won't hesitate to beat the shit outta you." I said, sinking back down on the table.

"I'm not sick!"

"You are but I won't argue with you, because I love you."

I rolled my eyes.

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