Chapter Six: Retrieval And Intruding

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Chapter Six: Retrieval And Intruding
Nick's POV

"What are we thinking?" I asked, staring at the screen.

"I'm thinking you're an asshole." Maddy glared, and Ally sat unbothered, scrolling through her phone on Maddy's lap.

I rolled, "You told me to not go easy."

"And you listened to me?! You should've started going easy on us after the third strike." She grumbled and I leaned back in my seat as I laughed.

I glanced over at Grizzly Bear's screen, frowning slightly when I saw that he was getting awfully close to my score.

I saw him as soon as he walked in the doors, I have a knack for those kinds of things. Just kinda knowing when someone I know is here. Plus, I was walking out of the bathrooms and they happen to be right by the door, so.

That too.

He had three more rounds to go, he walked in just a little bit after we had gotten past our second round.

"Another game? Our times almost up." I asked and Ally nodded her head as she looked over to me, nodding.

I watched from a distance as Grizzly Bear bowled.

When I first watched him bowl I joked to myself that I would have a literal internal game with him if he never noticed I was here - and I was confident that I would win too.

His form was weak, he seemed tired, lackih motivation. There was no way I wouldn't win against him. Especially if he didn't even know he was competing.

But after I told him that I was beating him, I physically watched as he upped his form and suddenly turned pro.

To combat that, I upped mine as well.

I wasn't necessarily the best player, but I did manage to keep my ball from the gutter and give myself a new record for the most amount of strikes and spares I've ever gotten in one game.

But it's not like that matter. It felt like Leozy just kept pulling up strike after strike after strike and he was easily going to beat me if he got the minimum of 11 pins in these next few rounds.

I paid for another game and watched as Maddy jokingly shoved Ally off of her lap, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she got up and started a new game.

Sometimes their affection annoyed me because... well where was my kiss on the cheek?

This time Maddy put herself in first and me last, sending me a glare as if the position of our turns was really gonna cause her to beat me.

I watched as Leozy scored another strike and sighed.

He'd beaten me.

Like he knew that I was contemplating my life choice he looked over with a cocky smirk on his lips and I rolled my eyes before pointing at the screen.

I'd win this time.

He shrugged, but the cocky look never left his face, even after he recommended that his group start a new game.

There was a loud 'whoop' from their side, as if excited that the man was finally taking their little game of bowling seriously.

I started off strong with a strike, earning a loud groan from Maddison as she quickly took a fast hit of her pen and blew it in my face.

"Hey now." I said, "Don't be such a sore loser."

She flipped me off, "One strike, doesn't mean I can't win." She said and I laughed.

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