Chapter Three: Coffee And Donuts

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Chapter Three: Coffee And Donuts
Nick's POV

In the morning, aka at around 8:24 am, I woke up.

I normally woke up around this time for school, which I knew I was going to be very much late too without any form of transportation.

However it seemed that god was on my side as grizzly bear sat with a coffee in his hands and dark eyebags on his face as he read.

I yawned, "You look like shit." I said, stretching out my body.

The blanket over me was warm and heavy, but I knew about this. It was the pillow that surprised me.

Grizzly bear sent me a look that I could practically hear the words to.


"Didn't sleep much?" I asked, standing up and smiling a bit at the warm air around me, glad it wasn't too cold. The dude had perfect taste temperature wise.

"No, I had work." He said, placing a bookmark in his book.

I nodded my head and then shuffled a bit, feeling a bit bad for asking this. "I know you... let me stay in your place after I sorta shoved you in here and used you as a getaway. But... do you think you could drive me to my house? My bike was definitely confiscated I'm transport-less."

I made sure not to tell him that I was a student, if I did, it would easy for him to just tip the police off that a student was the one from last night, which would make a search and that was just far too difficult, much much easier.

He didn't say much but just nodded his head, closing his book.

"I don't have any pants that will fit you. But I can get you a hoodie, so you can get out of that."

I smiled, "Thanks. Nobel of you for someone who was football tackled into their won apartment."

It was just so fun bringing it up. This story would forever be the story I'll keep in my mind whenever I'm next running from the police.

"Ya think the police will get me coming in and leaving your apartment?" I asked, "I don't worry about myself, but if they find out you were harboring a fugitive." I shrugged.

He shook his head, "They don't care enough. They'll put it down to some teenagers being stupid. No injury, no inquiry."

I winced. Teenager being stupid? Damn. I mean it was completely true but still. The truth didn't need to be said, sometimes.

"That's good, honestly I don't really care but it's more of a respect thing. You'd be surprised how often I outrun them."

"How often do you normally race?"

"Whenever someone offers. I just won 15k from last nights race. Sometimes it's everyday of the week, sometimes it's once a week. Just whenever people ask honestly."

"And how often are the police there?"

"On weeks when I race everyday, everyday. They sorta anticipate it. But if I don't race everyday, than they just show up when someone calls or if a trooper off duty sees."

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