Chapter Sixteen: Regret the Consequences Not The Kiss

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Chapter Sixteen: Regret the Consequences Not The Kiss
Leozy's POV

I was seeing a whole new and different side of Nick tonight.

He was showing me his slightly vulnerable side and I couldn't help but feel, when his smile slowly started to fade from his face as his own thoughts settled.

He took a sip of his Mountain Dew, and then proceeded to tell me about this project for school - completely dropping the Quinceanera act. There was no reason to hide it anyways.

How he had to do research on authors and stuff, I wanted to offer to help him, tell him that I knew quite a bit as an editor but I didn't.

I didn't say anything because I couldn't.

I was too caught up on everything, work, but not just work, his face.

His smile fading he made me feel off in all sorts of ways and I was confused as to what he was hiding

What thoughts he was keeping died down.

When he was done, he complimented my food one more time.

This time he didn't have any motorcycle gear framing his face, just himself, his smiling, giddy self.

But I just...

Damn I couldn't get that image out of my head.

He could push it aside all he wanted, cover it up in milliseconds but I saw it.

It passed by for just a second, hesitated as if he wanted me to see it.


As if he never felt a warm, caring embrace in his life. As if every touch to his ebony skin was not out of affection but rather the pure desire to avoid rejection.

The desire to rid himself of loneliness or fear.

Did he find more comfort in the razor blade sharp pieces of asphalt on his skin, than he did the embrace of a sister?

I acted on impulse. Without even registering what I was doing. Only that I wanted to.

I walked up behind him when he placed his dish in the sink and then I just...

Hugged him.

I wasn't a hugger, I didn't even like hugs.

Being encased during anything but sex simply sucked for me, but it seemed to be exactly what he needed.

He hugged me back instantly, melting in my grasp and I felt like, for once in our friendship, I was doing the right thing.

I don't know why or how long I hugged him for.

But he didn't let go, he didn't question the hug, he didn't move to pull away, it was like he knew why I needed to give the hug, knew why he was getting the hug and... knew why he was giving the hug.

Maybe in some ways I needed it to.

There were two parts of our friendship I knew I would never regret.

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