Chapter 9: The End

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Shadow's P.O.V

It was only a few minutes before the second dragon hatched. His sister gave a loud squeak and pushed him down as soon as he rose to take his first steps. I stayed still watching them. Sometimes with young dragons they reject their clutchmate even if that dragon is their blood. I really hoped she wouldn't reject her brother, there were too little night fury's left for this to go badly. Thankfully after a bit of shoving she let him up and gave him a big lick. 

I let loose a sigh of relief and nosed the little dragon getting used to his scent. His sister was now occupying herself by crawling around the eggshell and pouncing on bits sending them shattering. Her brother raised a wing to shield himself and I made a noise of approval, already he was learning to defend himself. Giving a yawn I guided the dragons to me and they snuggled up under my wings. I was just closing my eyes when an alarming sound was brought to my ears. 

"Heave!" I froze a snarl ready in my throat as my head snapped back and forth looking for the source of the noise. 

"Ho, heave, ho." This was followed by noises of grunting. 

All it took was a little peep from one of my hatchlings to send the men into silence. I still didn't know where they were but the sound didn't sound far away. 

"Hush." I said. The first word I ever spoke to my children was a word of warning against men, honestly not very surprising. 

They cowered under my wings as I rose slowly ready to jump into the air at the slightest notice. I wasn't sure how I would carry the hatchlings, if they were older maybe they would be able to hold onto my back by themselves, but they weren't. 

"I think I heard something.." A coarse voice said. I low growl emerged from me as I saw several shadows moving up the rocks towards me. 

"Well looky what we got here boys." One of the men jeered taking a lit torch from someone behind him to shine at us. 

"Uh Eret sir, that's... that's a Night Fury." One of the men whimpered refusing to come closer as I rose defensively. 

"I can see that fool," Eret snapped, moving ever closer to me. His face looked distorted in the light, but I could make out three lines tattooed on his chin.  I snarled furiously as he waved out with the torch trying to get me to back away. 

"Stupid human." I growled, even though he couldn't understand what I was saying I think he got the idea. 

"Well gentlemen we got a fighter." He chortled to the group. The female hatchling chose the worst time to speak up. She jumped forward and snapped, her flimsy wings flailing about. 

"Well I'll be damned." Eret said in astonishment. "Get the dragons boys, it'll be gold all round for these two." 

Two? I thought and then remembered that the second hatchling was still hiding, far more sensible than his sister. 

Three men walked closer grappling hooks swinging from their meaty fists. I snarled at the closest one getting ready to shoot a plasma blast. He came ever closer the shiny metal of the grappling hooks glinting dangerously. I gathered the female hatchling close to me and felt around for the other one. While I was distracted a man had gone behind me and snatched the hatchling without me noticing. At the sound of the little squeak I turned around in outrage, still keeping his sister shielded. I couldn't fight while protecting one and trying to get the other back. I desperately tried to come up with a plan. 

The humans were edging around me with their hooks and cross bows, I was wondering who would make the first move when something flickered in the corner of my eye. I could only just see him at this angle but the flash of green was hard to miss as a Terrible Terror darted behind a rock for cover. 

A tale of two Night Fury's: Toothless and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now