Chapter 6: The past and the present.

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Media: Flare by the Script

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Toothless's P.O.V

Looking into the water flowing bye I tried to summon forth the light that had adorned my scales earlier. I opened my eyes and for a brief second I saw that light before it died out, but not before a memory was pulled forth from the depths of my mind. I hadn't paid it any attention in years; the memory of my father was not something I dwelled on. He had left my mother and I when I was but a hatchling all I remembered was the fight he'd had with my mother prior to his departure. She had tried to stop him saying that we depended on him, he had retorted angrily that he had to move on, that they were looking for him. I still had no idea who they were, but during this conversation... no argument, He had risen above my mother and slashed at her face his scales glowing purple as she said something I did not recall. I had sworn to myself then never to do that to anyone. And definetly not Shadow, I knew I had to make my move before it was to late. 

I slashed at the water with my claws and huffed in annoyance jumping into the air. I glided over the island flying lazily until I had flown way out to sea. I could see a huge sea stack not far from me; it was a lot bigger than those near Berk. I decided to stop near the top. As my claws touched down a hollow echoing sound reverberated below me. I cocked my head in confusion before leaping off the peak of the sea stack and gliding lower. Under where I had landed was a large cave, it was big enough so that only a thin layer of stone that made up the sea stack protected the inside. I landed in it and was surprised to find it well lit despite the fact that it was turned sideways to the setting sun. Looking up I discovered small gems set into the ceiling of the cave. It was quite a beautiful sight. I turned in a circle my brows furrowed in concentration to form a plan of what I might say to her. I sighed in a satisfied way, turning back to the entrance. 

I leapt out of the cave and set my plan into action swooping down to catch some fish. Within ten minutes, after flying up and down to the cave depositing fish, I decided I had enough to make a meal for two dragons. Deciding that Shadow would probably be back either with the other Berk dragons or in the sky, I turned back to the island and set course. I was about to give a certain Night Fury a surprise. 

Shadow's P.O.V 

I flew down to one of the rocky beaches lining the coast of the dragon island. Upon leaving Stormfly with her new friend and not finding Toothless I had decided I needed some space away from the commotion that was now behind me. I curled up by the waters edge dipping my tail into the luke-warm ocean. I tried to imagine what it was like to be Toothless, not having part of his body. I drew my tail from the water and opened and closed it experimentally. 

How does he do it? I thought closing my eyes and letting my tail fall back into the water with a slight splash. The suns afternoon rays were pleasant on my skin. I spent a while just listening to the ocean lapping against the shore until I heard the beat of wings behind me. I knew it was Toothless before I even saw him. I wasn't entirely sure whether all dragons had the same senses, but my hearing was able to pick up how often the wings beat and about the length of them. A Deadly Nadders’ wing beats varied depending on their purpose, when they were just flying comfortably the wing beats were short and small whereas when speed was necessary and they quickened and deepened. A Gronkles wings seemed to only have one speed, a constant flutter. Night Fury wing beats were often quite shallow when gliding but could summon up great speed when they deepened their strokes and asked for height. This was what I was hearing now, hurried wing beats that lasted a few seconds until the dragon touched down next to me. I opened my eyes delicately and peered at Toothless who looked excited. 

A tale of two Night Fury's: Toothless and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now