Chapter 8: Sharpshot

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Toothless's P.O.V

I decided to start off where I had last seen her, in the crystal caves on one of the seastacks. 

"Come on Shadow." I muttered to myself as I landed in the cave. I sniffed the ground and picked up a scent, from then on I hoped it would be easy, follow the scent to my mate. 

Shadow's P.O.V 

The terrible terror edged closer to me. I snarled shifting the eggs and backing away.

"Hold up Toothless," He said closing his wings and looking at me with one eye. 

"I'm not Toothless." I almost laughed. 

"Wait, your saying you're another Night Fury?" The terrible terror said in disbelief. 

"Yeah." I said proudly straitening and pulling the eggs further under my wings. 

"Does Toothless know you? Man he would be so happy!" 

"He does know me." I said carefully, "I'm his mate." 

The Terrible Terror promptly sat down and licked his eye as though trying to get sand out of it. "Well that is something isn't it." He said happily. 

"Look can you find him and give him a message?" I asked hopefully. 

"I guess, what you want me ta' say?" He said preening his wings. He certainly was a fidgety thing. 

"Tell him i'm sorry." 

"Just that?" He said curiously cocking his head. "No love you babe or yours truly-" 

"No! Just I'm sorry!" 

"If ya say so." He said. 

"Nice meeting you" And with that said he flew off the island and into the air. 

"He probably has a very small brain." I said to my eggs. 

Toothless's P.O.V

I glided along the sun lit water sniffing, searching for the scent that had gone dry hours ago, I was faster than her, that I knew for a fact. If she had left early in the morning then I would catch up with her. I relished the sea spray on my wings and almost jumped in fright as a terrible terror pulled up brside me. 

"Sharpshot?" I asked confused. (A/N: for those of you who do not know, Sharpshot is the TT that Hiccup befriended in HTTYD 1 and in dragon training, he is seen in more scene from the series but those cannot be denied nor confirmed. And the same TT that talked to Shadow:D) The little green dragon was obviously out of breath. 

"Look. I just talked to another Night Fury and she said that she was your mate and she wanted me to give you a message-" 

"Hold up Sharp." I snapped slowing down and hovering in the air. "You saw Shadow?" 

"Yeah, and she said to tell you something.... umm." He licked his left eye. 

"What did she say?" I asked impateintly. 

"Umm something about being sorry...." He said scratching his neck with his back leg. 

"What do you mean 'being sorry?'" I asked confused the very thought that Shadow had left me was horrible and unbelievable. 

"Man I don't know! But she seemed sad..." 

"Take me to her." 

"I don't think she wants to be found." He said nodding as though agreeing with himself. 

"Take. Me. To. Her." I snarled glaring at Sharpshot. 

"Fine, i'll take you to your girlfriend." He grumbled and turned north his wings shaking in exhaustion. 

I will find you, even if you don't want me to. I said to myself. 

Shadow's P.O.V 

As I settled down for the night I curled up around the eggs. I was almost asleep and was welcoming the numbness of sleep when something shook beside me. I jumped and looked down, one of the eggs was shaking vilently. And then with an almighty crack the shell fell a part revealing a small black dragon with gorgeous jem like eyes. She squeaked at me and turned in a circle slowly extracting herself from the eggshell. 

*** To be continued....***


I can't believe how big this story is, for so little story parts it is doing really well and I want to thank everyone for all the support I have recieved. Thank you so much! I will try and update sooner and I am going to try and finish this story over the next few days. 

Thanks again:D



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