Chapter 2: Shadow the Different Night Fury

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/~~Toothless's POV~~/

I dived down landing in the forest, careful not to be seen. 

I heard the distressed roar again and debated whether or not to roar back. I have found another Night Fury I thought excitedly. I couldn't leave now. I couldn't abandon my own kin, I had to help.

I roared back, the Night Fury call.

My ears perked up as I listened to the response. Yep definetly Night Fury. I jumped into the air, swiftly dodging through the trees, I enjoyed the freeness of flying by myself but I also missed the familiar wait of Hiccup on my back.

I soared over the trees. Before I knew it I had come back to the Outcast settlement. I heared the roar again and looked down to see a Night Fury being restrained by around 2 dozen Outcasts.

I dived, feeling the plazma blast forming. I let it go in one shot of burning anger at the Oucasts. The ran to grab weapons. Before I knew it arrows were flying at me preventing me from getting any closer to the black dragon below. 

She roared again finally breaking free of her bonds. She rose up into the air behind the Outcast's, the sun glinting on her scles. Wow. While I was distracted by her beauty, an arrow fired at me catching my wing. I roared in agony, just flapping my wings made the arrow slide around in the wound, making it bigger. More arrows began shooting at me as the Outcasts caught on to what the first had done. My wings could hold me up no longer. I glided down to the ground. The Night Fury, which I now realised was a female, covered me stopping the Outcasts getting any closer to us. 

"Stay down" she growled at me. I ignored her attempting to get back into the air. 

She landed in front of me. I watched her digg her claws into the earth curling them, the ground began to shake. She lifted her head to the sky and roared so loud I wanted to cover my ears. She spread her wings out still holding onto the ground. I could see she now had her eyes closed and mouth set in a firm line. I watched in astonishment as parts of dirt around us raised in great clumps, carrying the outcasts with them. They tried to jump of but the dirt was to far up to jump and get to the ground safely. She then rose up into the air steadily. She was so far above me now all I could see was her wings beating steadily up. She dived. folding her wings at her side she dove towards the earth like a bullet. I roared at her to stop, she was going to hit the ground. At the last minute she spread her wings. A loud bang erupted around us and the clumps of dirt holding the terrified outcasts fell to the ground. The impact of them falling to the ground made my legs shake. 

The female landed in front of me proudly. "We need to go, they will wake up in a few minutes feeling pretty terrible, do you think you can fly?" she growled. 

"I think I can manage." I snapped. Whatever this dragon was I didn't know whether I should trust her yet.

We leapt into the air flying off towards the forest. My wings burned in protest. I angle myself towards the ground were the femal Night Fury had found a clearing. She reached the ground faster than me which made me slightly annoyed.

I growled slightly as I folded my wings by my side. 

"Are you ok?" she warbled at me.

"I'm fine" I replied stifly. I walked over to a pond and eagerly drunk from it. "What are you?"

"A Night Fury, like you" she growled. 

"But I can't do that stuff." I could have kicked myself for admitting it. Now she had an advantage over me. 

"You can, you just haven't been trained." she growled. 

"You were trained?" I asked wondering if she new of anymore Night Furys, Hiccup wanted me to find a mate but I wasn't about to choose this dragon. 

A tale of two Night Fury's: Toothless and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now