Chapter 3

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Stiles blinks his eyes open in the morning, the cold morning air teases his bare skin. He snuggles himself deeper into the warm cocoon of the thick cover and a warm body behind him. He lets out a soft whine and a pair of strong arms tighten their hold around him protectively, pulling him closer to the warm body next to him. One of the hands starts to caress his round belly softly, followed by a low purr whispered into the back of his neck. Stiles hums in pleasure, his hand moves to lay on top of the hand that caresses his belly lovingly.

"Time s'it..?" He asked sleepily into the cold air, eyes half opened.

"E'ght." The man behind him answered.

Stiles yawns and rubs his eyes, "I have to go to school." He moves to get up, but the arms won't let him. "Derek..?"

"School's ov'r.." Derek whispered sleepily.

"I know but I have a meeting." Stiles tries to wiggle his way out.

"Wh' meet'ng..?" Derek turns his mate around and engulfs his mate's body in his embrace instead of letting go.

"Oh my God, Derek, stop it. Prom is this Saturday, and I'm responsible for the decoration. I have to meet my team." Stiles explained to Derek's neck.

"No." Derek said, his eyes blinking open.

"What do you mean—"

Stiles is cut by Derek's lips pressed on his. Stiles moans as their lips dance passionately and Derek slips his tongue in. They are lost in time and each other's touch, before finally Derek breaks the kiss.

"You are not pushing yourself too hard to organize this event." Derek demanded, his eyes flashing Alpha red.

"Der, I'm not. Lydia is the one who pushes herself too hard. I'm just a part of the decor team." Stiles explained.

Derek scowls. "Same thing."

Stiles rolls his eyes and kisses his mate's stubbly jaw. "No, Grumpy, it isn't. I practically just puts the balloons here and there." He stops to think it all through, "well, and maybe set the tables, and decorate the stage... Okay, maybe I'll leave the stage part to my team." He said when Derek glares at him.

"No." Derek said.

"But, Der.. Lydia will kill me if I bail... She trusts me to handle this.." Stiles whined.

"I'll call her right now." Derek moves to reach out for his phone but Stiles stops him.

"Derek, don't be ridiculous, the task is not that hard. Let me do this, I promise I'll take it easy."

Derek narrows his eyes at him, considering his own decision. Stiles uses his best pleading eyes.

"Please.. This is the last event I'd organize with all my friends, I don't wanna miss it."

Derek sighs in defeat. "Fine."

Stiles grins and kisses his mate. "You're the best!" He then talks to his own belly, "you hear that, Baby? Your daddy is the best."

"With a few conditions." Derek suddenly added in. Stiles looks at him suspiciously.

"What conditions..?"


"How long you will torture me with the silent treatment, Stiles? I will do this everyday from now on, you know." Derek complained, as his camaro stops in front of Stiles' school. It turns out, one of Derek's 'conditions' is no driving for Stiles. Derek will drop off and pick up Stiles himself whenever and wherever Stiles needs to go.

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