Chapter 10

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The Graduation day finally comes for the high schoolers in the Hale pack. Stiles is seated between his father and Derek in the Beacon Hills High School's auditorium. Derek's arm curls protectively around his mate's shoulder, as the principle delivers his speech.

"I almost forgot how boring he is," Derek whispered to Stiles' ear in mischief. Instead of paying attention, the man is busy stealing kisses from Stiles, making the human giggle.

"Derek, stop it! You'll get us kicked out," Stiles complained, yet grinning and leaning into Derek's touch.

Stiles looks adorable in his graduation gown, happy and big with his pup, Derek can't resist him even if he tries.

Lydia is valedictorian, at no one's surprise. The pack claps and whistles loudly as she walks up to the podium. She delivers her speech with confidence and grace. Stiles winks at her when their eyes meet, and she smiles proudly at them.

Finally, they start to call the graduates name one by one to receive their certificates.

Derek turns in his seat to face Stiles, warm hand gently rubbing his mate's heavily pregnant belly.

"You sure you're up for getting up there? I'm still concern about the stairs."

"I'll be fine, Babe, it's just couple of steps," Stiles rolls his eyes fondly at his Alpha's overprotective streak, "I won't mind if you wait for me on the other end though."

In which, of course, leads to Derek making a scene by gallantly stepping up before Stiles reaches the stairs after receiving his diploma and swooping Stiles off his feet carrying him down.

"Derek!" Stiles gasped, face burning red as every eyes in the room set on them, "what are you doing!?"

Derek ignores him to stare back at the audience, looking way too smug for Stiles' liking. When he passes a group of girls gawking, the man wolfishly grins, "Lost your chances, Ladies, he's mine now."

Stiles groans and hides his face on Derek's shoulder whimpering in self-pity, "Can I just combust and disappear now? I believe there's a limit of embarrassment a human body can take, and you just made me surpass it."


Stiles is getting cozy on the Hale house's couch, watching Tom & Jerry on Cartoon Network and trying with all his might to finish his dad's recipe from Hell, nutritious smoothie. Derek made it for him and insisted for Stiles to ingest every last drop. Stiles almost wanted to cry when Derek handed the glass to him. This is it, this gnarly mixture is the universe's punishment for all his wrong-doings.

Stiles is two torturous gulps away when Lydia, Erica, and, Allison come joining him on the couch.

"When do you and Derek plan to get married?" Lydia said nonchalantly.

The last gulp of the smoothie gets down the wrong pipe.

"Excuse me?" Stiles squeaked after almost getting choked to death by Evil. This is what the smoothie is, Evil in a form of liquid.

"I assume after the baby is born?" Lydia continues.

"We, um," Stiles gapes, blushing madly, "Yeah, that's what we planned."

"Hmm, spring wedding. Perfect. We're gonna help," Lydia said, flicking back her shiny strawberry blond hair.

It's not a question.

"Sure..?" Stiles responded, because why not. The initial plan is just going to court to have their marriage legalized, followed by a family dinner in some fancy restaurant in town. It's not like they're opposed to have a beautiful wedding to remember, it's just that they acknowledge they're going to be too busy with a newborn to plan something outrageous. Besides, they're already mated and soul-bonded. Practically, they are tied together for the rest of their lives.

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