Chapter 7

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"No." Derek said instantly when Stiles looked at the werewolf from where they sit on the couch, understanding what his human mate silently asked.

The hunters and Stiles agreed to do the exchange tonight. The hunters gave the name of the town for them to meet, and it's two towns away from Beacon Hills. They will give him the exact coordinate of their location thirty minutes before the transaction, Stiles must be already in town by then. The other pack members who are permitted to accompany him for the exchange are the humans, all the werewolves who dare to come along will be shot on sight.

Stiles scoffs because this is ridiculous, did Derek miss the whole phone conversation? "Derek, let's be reasonable. This is not the time to argue. Isaac needs the bullet. I need to go out there." He stressed his points.

Derek rolls his eyes, which Stiles affiliates as a default reaction every time the man thinks that he says something remarkably stupid. "I am being reasonable. We will save Isaac, that's for sure. But we will find other way to get that bullet, the one that's not including you in it." Derek explained.

Stiles sways his arms in exasperation, wondering if Derek really thinks things through. "Yeah? And what will that be? Go all wolfed out and attack? Cross our fingers that they don't shoot you first?"

Derek frowns for a while before he nods. "Sounds good enough for me."

Stiles' mouth falls open, the corner of his eyes twitching in annoyance two seconds before limbs flailing again in frustated manner. "Are you serious right now!? Because that's the dumbest plan I've ever heard! Thank God you have me because I—"

"Stiles! I said no!" The Alpha snapped. Stiles gapes in shock and then closes his mouth, looking away from Derek and pouting angrily in silence. Derek sighs warily and gets up to kneel in front of Stiles, settling his palms over the pregnant teenager's hips.

"Will you please listen to me? I've had enough of you putting yourself in danger. You're carrying our child, if you think I will let you be in the same room with them, you must be out of your mind." He said in a more gentle yet still firm tone.

Stiles shakes his head stubbornly, still avoiding Derek's gaze. "But you heard him! If you storm in, they will shoot you on sight!"

Derek lifts a finger under Stiles' chin and gently tilts Stiles' face to him. Stiles gives in half-heartedly and looks at his mate's face, just to see playful green eyes greeting him. "And since when do threats like that make me back down..?" The werewolf smirks teasingly to cheer up his pregnant mate, only to receive even more intense disbelief glare from said teenager.

"And that almost killed you how many times, hmm!?" Stiles pointed out and when Derek opens his mouth to answer, Stiles already cutting him off. "Exactly. Every freaking time! So why don't I just meet those hunters, see what this fuss is all about, and talk everything out, okay?"

Okay, maybe things won't be as simple as he said, considering their shitty luck, but everything in his mind sound better than Derek's stupid plan right now, "I can do this! If you don't want me to go alone, fine, I'll bring Allison, Lydia, and Danny. They will underestimate us, they won't see what's coming! I just don't want you and our werewolves to go out there just to get yourself killed!"

Stiles feels tension building in his nerves at the thought of the hunters shooting the pack. It doesn't help that he knows the number one priority in to-kill-list in a hunt.

The Alpha of the pack.

Annihilate the leader first to array the subordinates.

It means, if he lets Derek have his way, there will be bullets in Derek's heart tonight.

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