Chapter 4

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John Stilinski glances around his surrounding, he's in the most expensive steak house in town with his son and his future son-in-law. Even a bottle of mineral water is three dollars, and that's just sick. There must be a reason why the couple in front of him invited him to a formal dinner like this.

"Please don't tell me you're involved in terrorism." The Sheriff half-begged.

"What? No!" His son exclaimed.

"Did Derek eat a citizen?" He proposed.

Derek raises his eyebrows like 'really?' but he doesn't give any comment.

"Dad, please." Stiles gives his dad a look.

"You let me order a grilled T-Bone with french fries. You're not being yourself, I'm extremely concerned."

Stiles gapes dramatically like he's truly hurt. "Can we just invite you to a nice dinner for once in a while without you being suspicious upon us!?"

The Sheriff shrugs. "So, no bad news? This is simply a genuine gesture of family quality time?" He asked, doubts still clear in his voice.

"Well, there is some news.. Oh don't look at me like that, Dad, it's a good one. In fact," Stiles looks at Derek and smiles, "we're really happy and excited about this."

The Sheriff breathes in relief. "Thank God. Well, what are you waiting for then? Shoot."  They're cut off by the waiter bringing their orders.

"Let's just enjoy our dinner first, Sir." Derek suggested. The sizzling T-Bone smells so good that John can't really disagree.

They take their time enjoying dinner while chatting easily and laughing warmly over Stiles' silly antics. Stiles laughs as he watches his dad make orgasmic voices throughout his meal. Despite the special occasion, he's grateful to be able to spoil his dad once in a while, after everything his dad did for him. Derek looks satisfied as well, God he loves his mate so much for this.

"So Dad, Derek and I have an announcement." Stiles started after the waiter took their empty plates. His dad gratefully looks relax and fulfilled, sitting back and sipping his red wine. It's just like how Derek predicted before.

"I'm listening." The Sheriff said over his wine glass.

Stiles looks at Derek, searching for encouragement. Derek takes his hand and squeezes it to comfort him. Stiles smiles at his mate and once again looks at his dad.

"Dad, Derek and I are...we're having a baby." Stiles said.

His dad just stares at them without saying anything at first, it makes Stiles quite nervous. But then after few seconds, the Sheriff smiles widely. "Son, that's great! I'm really happy to hear it, you know this old man wants grandchildren!"

Stiles sits back in relief, he can see Derek let out a long breath as well. "Oh Dad, I'm so relieved you're on board with this."

"Are you crazy? Of course I am. So, how you're going to do this? Adoption? Surrogates?" His dad asked excitedly.

Stiles sits back up, Derek tenses beside him. "What? Oh my God, no Dad, what I meant is—Dad, I'm pregnant."

His dad stares for another two seconds before he bursts laughing. Stiles gapes and shares a shocked look with his mate. "Oh, Stiles, stop it, I just ate so much, don't make me laugh my stomach off." His dad wiped the tears of laughter from the corner of his eyes.

"Dad, I'm dead serious!" Stiles said in exasperation. He can't believe his dad thinks he's joking.

The Sheriff is still laughing. "I'm sorry I'm just imagining you with a round belly, it's so hilarious.. Oh God." He holds his stomach, trying to stop himself from laughing.

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