Chapter 9

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Derek's wolf is over the moon.

Sometimes it still feels like a dream, to open his eyes in the morning and see his beautiful mate snoring adorably in his arms, who smells like him, is marked by him, and is now big with his offspring.

Derek wants to wake up like this every day for the rest of his life.

Every time Stiles kisses him, looking at him adoringly with his kind honey eyes, he wonders how it's possible a monster like him could deserve such an amazing human and to be the subject of so much love.

Words are never enough to express what he wants Stiles to understand. I love you. You're my whole world. My beautiful mate. I'm so happy. Thank you. I will cherish you. Forgive me if I'm not enough. I'd die for you. Derek thoughts are not even close to what he feels, not that it'll stop him from saying it.

Yet to fill the gap he feels he's lacking, Derek is more than ready to offer Stiles his complete devotion. He vows to himself to love Stiles and their family with everything he has; to do anything in his power to protect them, provide for them, and be there for them. He wants to become the man that Stiles can lean on, and someday, the father his children will look up to.

Life has given him a second chance, and Derek Hale will not fail, not this time.


Stiles lies on Deaton Clinic's examination bed with his shirt off, with Derek faithfully sit by him holding his mate's hand and running his fingers idly through the brunettes hair.

Stiles smiles brightly at him, only wincing slightly when Deaton smears cold gel on his protruding stomach, "Der, I'm so excited."

Derek kisses the hand he's holding, "me too."

"Alright, Gentlemen, here we go," Deaton points out the Sonogram screen, "everything looks normal. Complete development. Heartbeat stable and strong."

"Oh," Stiles laughs with happy tears in his eyes, "oh you precious little nugget, look at you..."

Derek is mesmerized by what he sees on the screen, a cute little head, tiny fingers, kicking little feet. His throat chokes with emotion, is it possible to love someone you haven't even met yet? Derek can't wait to hold their child in his arms.

"This is interesting," the vet commented.

"What? What is it?" Stiles asked, while Derek frowned in worry.

"Your body has developed a passage between the fetus and your...anus." Deaton maneuvers the Sonogram equipment lower to investigate better. "Stiles, you'll be able to deliver the baby with normal birthing procedures. It's truly amazing how human evolution works; it's a miracle in medical science!"

Derek growls in warning. His mate is not a science project.

Deaton seems to catch that Derek dislikes his comment, "My apologies for my uncontrolled excitement, Alpha Hale, I don't mean any offense. Please be assured that your mate's safety is always my foremost priority."

"You mean," Stiles cuts in, brown eyes widened in horror, "I will poop out my baby..?"

"Stiles," Derek rolled his eyes in exasperation. Subtlety is truly not his mate's strongest suit.

Deaton chuckles, "don't worry, Stiles, it's a different passage than where your feces comes from. It just ends up in the same exit, in this case, your anus."

"Whoa..," Stiles whispered. He then looks at Derek nervously, "I mean I'm a little bit freaked out, but at the same time feeling kinda relieved to be able to do it naturally, you know? Give me some sense of normalcy in this already unusual journey."

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