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Students all dressed up seemed to race around the schools gym. The party started at six o'clock, everyone was just arriving. The party ended at eight.

Some students were dressed up in costumes, others not so much.

Nightmare just sat against the wall outside waiting for Killer.

"This gives me horrible vibes.."
Error mumbled pacing back and forth in front of Nightmare and Ink.

"I wonder how much longer it will take for the stars to come out." Ink said.
The sun was already starting to set.

"Shut the fuck up, Ink! I'm trying to calm myself!" Error hissed at him.

"Please, serial killers would go mental if they tried to make you their victim."
Nightmare stated.

Random police cars sat in the schools parking lot, along with a few ambulances.

"What's with all the police?"
Nightmare asked watching the police just sit in their cars.

"Don't worry about it, Nightmare."
Ink said putting a headband with kitty ears on them on Error's head.
Error quickly smacked them off and scolded Ink. "I will fight you."

"But you look so perfect with them on!"
Dream came out of the building and stood next to Ink. "Are you coming inside, Ink?"

"Nope! I'm Error's bodyguard! I have to follow him everywhere." Ink said smiling greatly at Dream.

"No you are not! I rather die!"

Nightmare watched the two bicker before getting up and walking to the other side of the building.

The fact Killer was nowhere in sight worried Nightmare a lot.

Nightmare had heard about the rumors of what happened last year and the year before. Nightmare refused to believe such nonsense, but it still worried him a bit.

It was stressful to say the least.

Music blared from the gym, it wasn't loud enough to give Nightmare a headache, but it sure was loud enough to hear through walls.

Nightmare groaned as he sat down on a random bench.

"..Hey Nightlight!"

Nightmare shrieked, looking up, there was Killer sitting on a trees branch right above him. "What in the world are you doing up there?!"

"Heh, sorry. I had some, errands. I couldn't find you after I was done so I came up in this tree to get a better look. When I saw you heading over I didn't bother getting down because I thought you saw me. Sorry, Nighty." Killer said jumping down from the tree and sitting next to Nightmare.

"..Are you hungry? The gym had food?" Killer asked standing up ready to head over to gym.

"I don't got any money with me. I didn't know you had to pay to be here and then also pay for overpriced food, I only brought enough to get in the school." Nightmare said as Killer helped him up.

"I didn't ask if you had money, I asked if you were hungry." Killer said taking Nightmare's hand in his and leading the way to gym.

"Mh, a little."

"Okay than we're getting food."
Killer stated, opening the gym door for Nightmare.

The gym wasn't that bright thankfully. Dim red, orange, green, and purple lights filled the walls, but the lights weren't over powering.

Killer took Nightmare to a table filled with food and got Nightmare a hotdog.

"We could've waited til this whole thing was over and gone to the gas station. Those people are cheaper." Nightmare yelled. The music was making it difficult for conversations.

Killer shrugged barely hearing Nightmare in the first place.
"I'm too lazy, babe."

Nightmare looked away in embarrassment. Not in any way was Nightmare used to names like that.

Nightmare just stayed and ate his hotdog in silence.

Killer watched random people run around and dance with each other.
"..I'd ask you to dance.. only if I myself knew how to dance."

Nightmare snorted at that.
"I don't know how to dance like those dorks either. But I do know how to dance formally."

Back when Dream and Nightmare were twelve a wealthy women had order the adoption center to send the twins to her so she could see if she wanted them to raise. The day ended with the women teaching the two how to dance.

Only Nightmare could really do it, Dream stumbled a lot.

It was a shame when the women catch an illness that made it impossible for her to take Nightmare and Dream.

Shame, she was so kind to Nightmare unlike every other person in this world.

"So fancy dancing?" Killer asked taking Nightmare by the hand and walking him to an area with not as many people. "Teach me."

Nightmare didn't resist, he took Killer's hands and placed them on his own shoulders than placed his own hands on Killer's hips.

Killer grinned, he's watched the movies. Killer knows Nightmare wants to be the lead.

Only that's quit difficult for the tentacle boy as he got so flustered every time Killer tried to have Nightmare look in his eyes.

So when Killer got an idea how to dance without tripping, he took the lead having Nightmare move his hands from his hips and place them on Killer's shoulders and Killer held Nightmare's hips.

Nightmare's tentacles flicked around nervously. The noise was starting to get to him. Killer took notice and led Nightmare into the bathroom without a word.

Killer checked to make sure no one was in. Only, Error was in one of the stalls.

"Error? Is that you? What happened to Ink?" Killer asked while Nightmare leaned against the wall.

"..Loud noises trigger my anxiety.. and Ink should be waited by the door.."

"Oh yea, I wondered what he was doing by the door. So you mind if Nightmare and I make out?" Killer asked.

"Yep. Go ahead. I'll just be heard having a panic attack. Perfectly fine."
Error said.

"Cool!" Killer said ignoring Error's sarcasm completely and turned around quickly to kiss Nightmare while Nightmare was against the wall.

"I hate you all."

Murderer Of The ForestWhere stories live. Discover now