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The game begins and I run forward while searching my surroundings for other brawlers. There was an old man in a red shirt and a miners hat. He was twirling with glee at a mustachioed robot with a regal bow and handsome laugh. 

I thought nothing of it when I lit my torch and took a big gulp of alcohol without swallowing any. I quickly blew the flame in the direction of the sweet looking friends, the smell of roasted bird wafted from them or rather the old man in the red shirt. I was tempted to drool, but I held back knowing I can eat later after the match.

I picked up the green cubes, only three in total, and began to run closer to the middle. I dodged a couple of bullets and the strangest thing happened.

A black haired, half- shaved young man jumped behind me as a black bird man flew down. He took the poisoned dagger to the back and popped. Me and the bird person paused and looked at each other in an awkward silence. Slowly, I picked up the four cubes and backed a way.

I here the bird person scream as he walked into a man in a bush. I laugh as I would never do that.

A few seconds later, I was proven wrong when a brightly colored woman sprayed me in the face with something that smelled FOWL (Get it? Because I encountered a Bird earlier-) and coughed heavily. Annoyed and offended, she began to spray me again despite her low health.

I wondered how this will turn out, will I come out on top or will she get a dig at me?

Neither, she ran from me; at least I burned her hair!

I heard a terrifying sound. The sound of my co-worker, a large, muscle man with a blue and red mask he wears every day without fail. I remember me and another co-worker tried to see what's under it....THAT was a day.

I tried to follow the sound of his voice and saw him slam into the woman I was chasing. Not in a romantic sense mind you, not that I didn't think she was attractive it's just that I'm not looking for a relationship right now and.... why am I panic explaining to myself???


Why do I smell the scent of flowers when there are only bushes?


I blink a few seconds and listen to the sounds a round me. I note what I see. A ceiling, my ceiling. I turn my head as I feel my covers- soft and warm with the smell of cinnamon, different from the floral scent early.

Then I hear my alarm and sit up. I realize I am in fact, in my room and it's morning.

I grin and fling the covers off of me and attempt to stand up. I step on nothing and tripped again. I wonder if my Madre was right to worry about me moving out, but I'm old enough and I need to follow my dreams.

I look a round my room from a different angle seeing how spotless and clean it was. I was proud, no matter what any one says, and a lot of people say many things, I am a reliable person!

I take this time to get my bed done perfectly and get dressed for the day. I may live in a small apartment, but it's mine and I bought it myself. That is something to be proud of.

I walk in the bathroom and brush my teeth, check if my roots are showing, and apply my face cream cover up.

My experience with fire, many times, resulted in me getting burned and the skin would always be left discolored. A few scars, patches of different colored skin, and freckles but it's me.

I do love playing with fire after all.



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