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I'm attacking a large man with purple skin. I aim my arrows at him and shoot. However, it does little to deter him. I remain calm and take several steps back to avoid the blunt weapon he raises over his head. He is slow but the force he uses to wing is full of power.

I couldn't get out of his full range in time, I was stunned. Unable to move my body, I watched as he raised his weapon again. I must accept this defeat and sigh. 

That is until he was pulled back. I widen my eyes hidden behind my mask and the hat atop of my head. Some sort of creature the color of the midnight stars spawned from a portal of some kind, the same portal that lured the man away from me.

How joyous, it's my team mate. A young woman in a blue garb, hailing from desert lands.

She is quite the familiar to me. We have teamed up more than once.

Her mystic abilities are far greater than my own. I have a more passive kind, the kind that are for assisting rather than attack. Support if anything else.

I nod to her as we prepare to take a bolt from the ground. I am almost ready, just a few more hits and a pulse of yellow energy surrounds me.

We look at each other and I see the plan forming in her mind. She motions for me to close off the middle entry point to make it harder for our enemies.

Then I hear something. The screams of an old man is heard.

He seems to have jumped into the enemies safe zone.


Me and the young lady groan while the the metal creature next me slap their own face. I slowly look at them while they are distracted and lift up my weapon.

I shoot the low health enemy.

I was even lower health appeartly.

I swear that old man is everywhere.


I shake the sleep from my mind and walk in direction I know the beach is.

I had to pause for a moment as I had received a call. I begin to talk to other person on the phone.

I feel eyes on me. Look around and none of the spirits seem to be surround me today. Odd.

I turn behind me and do not note anyone looking in my direction, however, I see a young man with red hair staring at his phone and a spirit of negativity clutching his neck. It seems to be strangling him ever so slightly.

I want to help him, I can not out myself.

I would mind it less if I was the only I had to look out for, but as it stands I do have people more important to me to watch over and guide.

I end the call and continue my walk through the city to the beach. Many stare at me and a few spirits try to get my attention.

I am not completely sure why there are people staring at me, but I do know the spirits get lonely and want to make friends with people so they can use their powers in a more controlled way.

That goes for regular spirits, spirits born and corrupted by negativity only want chaos and destruction.

It gets complicated when one of wards are with me, they aren't as careful. Luckily, she isn't aware I am here yet. She is playing in the water with her brother.

I pass a vaguely familiar woman in a purplish garb. We stop just feet a part. I feel her energy and she feels mine. I smile.



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Note: Bo, you REALLY don't know WHY people are staring at you???? Really????

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