13: "Bad girl''

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I slowly sneaked out through the window and for my advantage there was no bodyguards. I wore my shoes and sneaked out. I jumped on the roof and slowly got down.

Y/N: ''yay,I did it!!!!!''

??: ''oh yes, congrats you did it!!!!''

Y/N: ''yes!! Now I ca.....''

(A/N: at this moment, she knew she fvcked up🙂)

My heart was beating fast. My hands became cold. I slowly turned around closing my eyes while breathing heavily. I knew who was infront of me. I slowly opens my eyes and saw Jungkook looking at me while poking his inner cheek with his tongue. He was looking dangerous.

Jungkook: ''so now what are you gonna do?''

I just looked at him nervously.

Jungkook: ''tell me?''

I parted my lips to speak but no words were coming out,my voice suddenly vanished

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I parted my lips to speak but no words were coming out,my voice suddenly vanished.


Jungkook: ''Baby you're becoming a bad girl, hmm?'' He came near to me.

Jungkook: ''so Daddy gotta give you a punishment '' smirk

My breathe hitched.

(A/N : stoB being dirty minded🙂)

Jungkook: ''How did you get down baby? Show me how you got down''
I looked down.

Jungkook: ''climb up again and show me how you came down or else''

I soon ran to climb up again.
I climbed up back to the spot from where I got down .

Jungkook: ''good now come down ,show me, how you climbed up, fast ,I don't have time''

If he has work why doesn't he go instead of guarding here I mumbled.

Jungkook: ''did you say something?''

I nodded as a no.

Jungkook: ''palli palli, come down!''

I got down as per his commands.

Jungkook pov: she is just like before. Whenever she knows she has done a mistake she just sits quite and takes the punishment and obey whatever I say.

Jungkook: ''you thought you will run away from here so easily?''

Y/N: ''Jungkook I..''

Jungkook: ''what?''

Y/N: ''I don't want to be here''

Jungkook: ''what did you say?''

Y/N: ''I don't want to stay here, Jungkook please ''

Jungkook: ''you know what's today right?''

Y/N: ''B..but..I don't wa**'' (cut off by jk)
Jungkook: ''I'm the one who will decide what you do and what you wont do''

Y/N: ''But Jung'***''(cut off by jk)

Jungkook: ''Hoseok hyung''

Y/N: ''fi..fine.....'' Sh said and ran inside with teary eyes.

I knew she would do anything when it's her Hoseok Hyung now it's time for my game to start.

Jungkook: ''Maid!''

Maid: ''yes Master'' (bow)

Jungkook: ''shift Y/N's clothes and other stuffs to my room''

Maid: ''But Master, it doesn't have many windows''

Jungkook: ''just listen to what I say!''

Maid: ''s..sorry Master, I'll do it right now''

Jungkook: ''hmm and yeah, I have a dress inside my car, tell them to get it inside and keep it ready ''

Maid: ''ok Master '' (bow)

She likes rooms with more windows so I gave her that room but she is taking advantage of it. I'll see where will she run now.

Y/N pov: I was sitting inside my room while sobbing suddenly the maid came in and started packing my stuffs.

Y/N: ''Ahjumma,? Why are you packing?''

Maid: ''Master told me to shift your things to his room Miss Y/N so''

Y/N: What..what? Why?!''

Maid: ''Wish I knew''

I sighed.

Y/N: ''this was left'' massaging my temple.

Time skip~

Maid: ''Miss Y/N''

Y/N; ''hmm?''

Maid: ''it's time to get ready''

Y/N: ''for what?''

Maid: ''your wedding and Master is waiting for you in the dressing room''
I sighed and walked with her to the dressing room.

I came in and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch.

Jungkook: ''good girl, came so fast''

Y/N: ''if it wasn't for Hoseok oppa , I would never come'' i mumbled.

Jungkook: ''did you say something?''

Y/N: ''no''

Jungkook: ''bring her the gown''

Maid: ''yes Master''

She brought the dress.

My eyes widened looking at the dress.
I didn't realise but Jungkook back hugged me.

Jungkook: ''What do you think baby? Isn't it hot? I can't imagine you wearing this today, ,argh I'm so excited''

Y/N: ''why this? I..I cant wear this, you know I don't like these type of clothes''

Jungkook: ''but I like it''

Jungkook: ''Maid, take her and dress her up''.

Maid: ''Yes..yes Master''

I went with her.

(Chapter 1_The end)~

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