12: "I hate you '' THE END

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Jin: '' Nah, you don't understand ,you have to take care of them''

Jungkook: '' Them ? Who?''

Jin: '' Ha ha congratulations Mr.Jungkook, you are going to be a father! Y/N is pregnant! ''

Jungkook: '' huh?''

Jin: '' yeah!''

Jungkook: ''...she...she is pregnant?''

Jin: '' yeah she earlier had come for the checkup''

Jungkook: '' She...Y/N!''

He ran away from there.

Jungkook: '' Y/N-ah''

He spotted Seoyeon sitting on the chair.

Jungkook: '' Seo-seoyeon-ah where , where is she?''

Seoyeon: '' In...inside''

Jungkook: '' My...baby''

Seoyeon: '' baby...who?''

Jungkook: '' Y/N...Seoyeon,
Y/N...she...she is pregnant.
She...she has my baby''

Seoyeon: '' are...are you serious?''.

Jungkook: " yeah, she ...she came here, she was not feeling good and I got to know she is ...pregnant"

Seoyeon: " oh my god, Jungkook what if something happened to the baby?"

Jungkook: " No, nothing will happen!"

Jungkook and Seoyeon were just waiting all the 4 hours.

Finally after a long wait the doors opened .

Seoyeon and Jungkook rushed to know what happened.

Seoyeon: " Is...is she alright?"

Doctor: " She is out of the danger"

Jungkook: " what...what about the baby? She , she is pregnant"

Doctor: " By the time she reached here, the foetus had already died. I'm really sorry. But, atleast she's alive"

Jungkook stumbled on his feet.

Seoyeon: " Jungkook-ah..."

Tears started flowing out of his eyes.

Jungkook: " My baby..."

Seoyeon: " Jungkook...calm...calm down"

Seoyeon couldn't control her tears too.

Doctor: " I can understand how you feel but the patient is alive, and she will have a speed recovery"

Seoyeon: " Thankyou doctor, can we see her?"

Doctor: " y' all can meet but one by one please"

The doctor left as he nodded.

Seoyeon: " You...you want to meet her?"

Jungkook nodded and went in.

He looked at Y/N, whose eyes were closed.

Jungkook sat beside her.

He looked at her bandages.

Thinking about her being pregnant and already loosing the baby filled his eyes with tears.

Jungkook: " Y/N -ah..."

He kept his hand on her belly.

He layed his head on her belly and continued sobbinng.

Y/N: " Jung... Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked at her and woke up.

Jungkook: " Why...why didn't you tell me?"

Y/N: " tell...tell what?"

Jungkook: " you...you were pregnant"

Y/N: " huh?...I- I was pregnant?"

Jungkook: " yeah"

Y/N: " was...Was?...what do you mean by was?"

Jungkook: " the baby died...it died in your womb...it died"

Jungkook: " My baby...it died"

Y/N: " Why...why do you even care?" Cold.

Jungkook: " what do you mean? It's our baby Y/N!"

Y/N: " it's not like we wanted, it was just a mistake...I never wanted it, you gave it to me forcefully. Why do you even feel sad?"

Jungkook: " Y/N ! It's our baby how can you tell that?! How can you be so stone hearted? The baby never got a chance to see the world that it already died! I ... I thought you cared! Not about me! Atleast your baby, our baby!" Angry.

Y/N: " I am stone hearted, you can't change that, I never wanted that baby, you...you are the one responsible. I ...I don't care"

Jungkook: " Y/N you...I, I hate you till the core!"

He said and he left being angry.

Seoyeon: " what ...what happened?"

Jungkook: " she...she ...I hate her Noona, I just hate her! She doens't even care! She doesn't have feelings! I just hate her!"

Seoyeon: " Jung...Jungkook listen!"

Jungkook left furiously.

Seoyeon sighed and went inside.

Seoyeon: " Y/N?"

Y/N looked at Seoyeon.

Seoyeon: " Why? Why are you doing this Y/N?...he's so hurt Y/N, atleast now ... don't hurt him"

She didn't reply an kept quiet.

Seoyeon: " fine, if this is what you want"

Seoyeon was also disappointed by

Who wouldn't be?

Because , more than anyone, she was supposed to feel bad but she doesn't care about anything.

Time skip~

•After two weeks.

Y/N was still in the hospital ,recovering.

Her health had improved.

She was supposed to be discharged today but...


Seoyeon: " Jungkook? Y/N..."

Jungkook: " Y/N what?"

Seoyeon: " she...isn't here...she...she ran away"

Not all the stories and relationships go smooth like butter.

Just like Jungkook and Y/N's relationship.

It's all about fate, you can prevent and change the direction of fate but the result is always what fate wanted.

Let's know what is written in the fate of these two souls in the next edition of Grey Roses.

Hey hey people ,congratulations! You've reached the end of this crappy book I've written🥴.

I spent an year planning this fan fiction lol ,it's the end for now😂.

I spent an year planning this fan fiction lol ,it's the end for now😂

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Hope to meet y'all in the second edition of Grey Roses, till then!



Thankyou for reading💜😚!

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