07: " I Love you II''

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Jungkook: ''Whom where you speaking to?''

Y/N: ''Seoyeon Unnie...''

Jungkook: ''Oh okay''

Ah it was Seoyeon...argh my mind's stuck on Yeogyom ig.

Y/N: ''You had any work?''

Jungkook: ''ah..I..I was hungry so...''

Y/N: ''Ah yeah I had bring food for you but you were asleep, come down I'll cook ramyon for you''

Jungkook: ''okay''

I went to my room and checked my phone to check my schedule and then I came down after a while.

I could already smell the ramyon that Y/n was preparing for me.

Y/N: ''ah you're here, sit down it's almost ready, would you like an egg with it?''

Jungkook: ''hmm''

Y/N: ''Okay''

I sat down infront of her waiting for my ramyon

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I sat down infront of her waiting for my ramyon.

My eyes at Y/N, looking at her, cooking for me...which I loved.

Y/N: ''Here you go''

She handed me a bowl full of ramyon.

Jungkook: ''Thanks ''

Y/N: ''It's alright''

As I was eating she was cleaning up the dishes.

Jungkook: ''are you not eating?''

Y/N: ''I've eaten already ''

Jungkook: ''okay''

I suddenly remembered that Seoyeon had called Y/N.

What did she tell?

Did she tell about what I did? If she did...i'll be dead...

Jungkook: ''Umm Y/N?''

Y/N: ''Hmm?''

Jungkook: ''What did Seoyeon tell?''

Y/N: ''Oh she was telling she'll be in the country for a while, she has some business works...''

Jungkook: ''and?''

Y/N: ''Ah she was telling me to hangout with her sometimes... ''

Jungkook: ''oh okay''

Y/N: ''hmm...why did you have some work?''

Jungkook: ''ah no just asked ''

Y/N: ''hmm''

Jungkook: ''and''

Y/N: ''hm?''

Jungkook: ''if she calls you to hangout, you can for a while, with my permission only''

Y/N: ''ah really? Thankyou!''

Jungkook: ''hmm just don't disappoint me''

Y/N: ''No I will not!''

Jungkook: ''good''

(Y/N in her mind: I don't even know what disappoints you)

Time skip~

After eating I was working on my laptop, I had some stuffs to complete.

Y/N was at the balcony, reading some books.

Time skip~

I yawned while stretching my body. I completed my work and shut down my laptop. I saw Y/N was still there.

Jungkook: ''Y/N?''

She didn't answer ,I went up to her and saw she was sleeping. Great,now I have to carry her.

I took off her glasses and placed the books on the shelf. I picked her up and made my way towards the bedroom.

I layed her down but she pulled me in a hug,which made me fall on her.

Y/N: ''I love you....Jungkook-ah''

She's sleep talking now...

I slowly got off from her grip and layed down on the other side of the bed.

I drifted off to sleep...


Seoyeon on phone:

Seoyeon: ''Can I speak to Mr.Park?''

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