11: "You are going to be a father!"

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Seoyeon: '' Jungkook-ah?''

Jungkook: '' yeah? What....what haappend?''

Seoyeon: '' Y/N...she...she got hit by a car''

Jungkook's heart almost stopped beating.

Jungkook: '' huh?...what... What are you joking?''

Seoyeon: '' she...she is bleeding''

Jungkook: '' Seo...Seoyeon-ah?'', don't lie...I...hate lies''

Seoyeon: '' I'm not lying Jungkook.
Jungkook ....amb...ambulance is here''

He could clearly hear the siren's sound.

Seoyeon: '' I'll call you later''

Call end.

He held his head and kept staring at the table.

A drop of tear from his eye fell.
Another, and another and then he broke down.

He wiped his tears and ran to his car and fastened his seat belts.

He drove towards the hospital.

He found the place where the accident had occured.

Blood on the road was eating his heart away.

He drove as fast as possible and called Seoyeon.

Jungkook: '' Seoyeon-ah? Where? Where are you?!''

Seoyeon: '' Emergency section''

Jungkook: '' I'm coming!''

On his way he dashed into someone.

Jin: '' slowly bro, Jung...Jungkook?''

Jungkook: '' Hyung''

Jin: '' I have a good news for you''

Jungkook: '' Y/N, is...is she alright?''

Jin: '' She is alright, you have to take ca-''

Jungkook: '' I ...I will hyung, I will take care of her!''

Jin: '' Nah, you don't understand ,you have to take care of them''

Jungkook: '' Them ? Who?''

Jin: '' Ha ha congratulations Mr.Jungkook, you are going to be a father! Y/N is pregnant! ''

Jungkook, you are going to be a father! Y/N is pregnant! ''

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I Loaf you all berry berry much!

Happy Valentine's day everyone!

❤️💜Have a Loafy day UwU!

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