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February 8

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11:11 AM



Ivory Estelliana Claudel



Can I follow your writing account on twitter?

Using my official account

I finally declare myself as miss poisonivory's number one fan 🤩

Ivory Estelliana Claudel

Siraulo ka!

You're really embarrassing me >__<


Why are you even embarrassed about it?

There's nothing to be embarrassed about getting compliments. Deserve mo rin naman lahat ng papuri sa mundo

I wanna take your doubts away. Gusto kitang paliguan ng assurance at papuri araw-araw, kahit bawat segundo pa 'yan, para hindi ka mawalan ng tiwala sa sarili mo.

I want to encourage you to do the things you love as I'll be by your side, either supporting or guiding you. I wanna be part of your journey, be with you every step of the way.

I know it's too soon for me to say these things, Estelle, but I seriously wanna be there for you. I can't afford to lose your beautiful bright smile. I have this urge to make you smile and forget your problems even just for a short period of time. Though, I wanna make you stress-free forever. At hindi ako makatulog sa tuwing hindi ko nagagawa iyon. Ang pasiyahin ka.

I'm not saying these things to make you my girlfriend right at this moment. I just can't help but voice out these thoughts. I wanna be honest with you. I wanna be vocal towards you.. when it comes to you.

I understand we're still on the getting to know stage. And I won't pressure you onto something you are still not ready for. I would never want to deprive you of your freedom.

I just want to assure you that when things get rough, you always have me and my shoulder to lean on.

Ivory Estelliana Claudel

I.. honestly don't know what to say


It's alright, Elli. I completely understand. You don't have to say anything

As long as I've said mine to you. I want to be transparent to you.

Ivory Estelliana Claudel

It's so nice and thoughtful of you to say these things to me, Forester. It takes a lot of courage for one to be able to say this. I find your brave for doing this.

Vivid LimelightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon