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692 39 18

"Good morning chief Nanami!" The pink-haired boy greeted his senior as he checked in for attendance. Cheerily whistling to himself he walked around the station as he asked his colleagues where his presence is needed.

"Oh! I think you should continue helping detective (L/N) on her case." One of his colleagues suggested. "You still know how to get to her office right?"

"Yeah! Thanks!"

Turning his heels in the direction of the dimly light halls, he made his way to your office, cheerily humming to himself, greeting everyone good morning.

It hasn't been that long since he got assigned and started working at your station. He's getting along really well with his peers, though more professional with his superiors, (as professional as Itadori Yuuji can be) you could tell he was generally well-liked.

In his short time in service at your station, he started looking up to two people. He looked up to Nanami for being the responsible chief in office. Leading the police force in your area, and upholding the law, though he can be uptight at times given the fact that he doesn't like overtime, overall he respects him. Then he looked up to you. Being a young detective prodigy. At a young age, you were already leading multiple investigations, becoming a significant part of the police force. You did it so easily too. Many applaud you for how you handled your cases, and many civilians felt more safe walking the streets knowing that dangerous people are locked away, you made your town a better place he thought. Safe to say he wanted to be like you, making a good difference to the people around you, just like he promised to his grandfather.

Walking past multiple offices he finally arrives at your office door. A metal nameplate is attached to the mahogany wood door, he knocked waiting for you to respond. No answer.

He knocked again "Detective! It's me Itadori!" Again no answer. He whipped his head around feeling a presence behind him, he was greeted by the sight of Nanami holding papers and a file case.

"Hey, Chief!" The strawberry-haired boy greeted his senior.

Nanami lifts his head, putting his attention on the said boy. "Is detective (L/N) in?" His deep voice reverberated in the empty hallway, serious as he tucks the papers in his hand into the files. "Uhh... No sir." Itadori gulped alarmed by the man's tense state his usual composed demeanor nowhere to be found, he took a deep sigh. "Put these on (L/N)'s desk, another case is assigned to her." He said handing the files carefully. "Ok! Alright, Sir!"

'Damn looks like detective will be busy- This case seems important too, but where is she?'

While waiting for you he thought about the Zenin case, taking into account the pointers you gave him. His mind wanders to the crime documentary he watched the night before.

An idea crossed the boy's mind as memories of his encounter with you prior to your absence made him think. ' Didn't she say- that she was " taking care " of her " personal matters "?' The boy's realization hit him like a thunderbolt, he shuddered at the idea that the detective was involved with the crime, he runs his hand over his arms and felt goosebumps. "Is detective involved with the murder?" 'But isn't it too early to assume it's just one encounter...' The boy reasoned

His curiosity got the best of him and he decided to enter your office. The cold air of the empty room met his face along with the scent of paper and books entering his nostrils. The light from the halls entered the darkroom, helping him in search of the light switch.

He switched the lights on and the room lit up, he then closed the door muffling the noise outside, giving him privacy. He held the file that Nanami handed him, choosing to open it and analyze the said file. "Ryomen Sukuna." It seems to have been a new case, that does not have any correlation with the Zenins' case, he concluded as he reads through the whole file, he does what Nanami told him and places the file on your desk.

He shuffles through files in your drawers, looking for the Zenin Massacre case. 'There!' He opened the file examining its contents. 'It does state all the information about the case, but none of it seem to have any connection with detective (L/ N)...' He skims over biographies of the remaining relatives of the Zenins that are currently under investigation.

'Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki huh? I'm glad my guess was wrong!' The boy sighed in relief. 'Maybe I shouldn't doubt detective. Maybe I watch too many crime documentaries.' he thought as he stood up neatly putting back the files, rubbing the back of his head.

While Itadori was about to leave he spotted something in the corner of his eyes. He darted his attention to the picture frame on your desk. It's a picture of you and a green-haired girl with glasses. 'Wait a minute isn't this that Zenin Maki in the case file!?' He immediately knelt back down to access your drawer. He rummaged through the case file again looking for the biographies he saw earlier. "It's her!" he murmured as he compared the two pictures.

The sudden realization that someone he looked up to might be involved in such a heinous crime made him wince and profusely bewildered. '...So Detective (L/N) might be involved after all!'

Many questions made their way into the boy's head. A train of ideas made their way into his head, making him sweat at the details, but then started settling in.

'Am I overthinking this?'

'What if I'm wrong?'

'Who's Zenin Maki?'

'Are they both involved in the case?'

'Am I even allowed to investigate without detective (L/N)?'

Reaching his own conclusions he decided to keep his findings to himself for now. First, he has to conduct an investigation of his own, then he will find as much information about Zenin Maki to see what kind of connection you have with her and what is your involvement in this whole case. Even though he's new to all this he wants to help anyone who needs help, fulfilling his grandfather's last wishes. The boy was determined to find the truth.

The thoughts end with one final thought 'Is detective the culprit?'

Was teaching this boy how to solve crimes a big mistake?

Hαɳԃƈυϝϝҽԃ┆彡 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now