You Again

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As of today, it has been just about a month since you first met the man who once threatened to annihilate the world and all its inhabitants, Cell.

You stopped going on your daily walks, trying to avoid where he basically marked as his territory. You began attending work in person more often. Your dreams though, had not been kind to you. You hadn't had a proper night of sleep in god knows how long.

Despite you avoiding the forest as much as you can, you still had to ride through it to get to work. It was scary as you truly did not want to encounter Cell again or get on his bad side, but you couldn't think straight at home knowing he was in such close proximity to you. You did catch a glimpse of him every so often when going outside though. He remained stoic and typically sat deep in the forest, nearly invisible in the underbrush, sitting with his legs crossed and arms folded around his chest. He almost sat as a statue in the clearing. His eyes always remained shut, and he never opened them to so much as glance at you. After meeting him in the forest, he has never approached you since your initial encounter.

Let's keep it that way ... you thought to yourself biting your bottom lip.

You sauntered over to the tree your moped was parked under, and threw your leg over it in one swift motion. Once settled onto your moped, you drove through the path you used to walk every day and led to the city. It typically takes about 20 minutes to completely be out of the forest, and about another quarter-hour to even reach civilization. The wind was biting today, the end of spring often brung cold snaps and rain for another month until summer. You shiver slightly, clutching your arms briefly. Thank goodness you decided to wear slacks today.

You traversed through heavy traffic, as usual, another jam but your moped aided you in going in between cars. You encountered the same leers you get from men as you drove by in your tight office trousers. You roll your eyes as you eventually reach your office building. You park your moped, and walk into the main lobby, just as you began to sign in, you hear someone calling your name.

"Y/N!!! Mind doing me a solid and filing this paperwork for me?" A coworker asked. Not even five minutes in and you are already being hounded. Can't they at least let you reach your desk?

"Uh, yeah sure!" You smiled shyly. Gods, why are you always trying to be overly nice. He smiled and ran off in the opposite direction. You sighed and struggled to hit the elevator button with so much paperwork in hand. Another busy day it seemed as you groaned, missing when you had far fewer work priorities when working from home.

You stepped outside the entrance, and sighed finally feeling your shoulders down. You didn't even realize how tense you were.

Looking up, you saw the familiar sprinkles of light dusting the sky. You somehow worked into the early night Just as you noticed this, fat droplets fell from the sky.

"Great just great" You muttered to yourself. You simply brushed a piece of hair that had fallen in your face to the side and grabbed your helmet. You hopped on your moped and started it up. You began the journey back home, the city far less busy. This was a relief as you didn't want to have to wait through traffic especially in the rain no less. Your moped light illuminated your way as you traversed through cars. The rain grew heavier, eliciting a groan and eye roll from you.

You were still about an hour out from home and now it's raining heavily. You realized you didn't bring anything to shield you from the rain. You continued your drive. By the time you reached the path in the forest that led to home, your white collared shirt was soaked. And of all days, you had to wear a patterned bra with no padding. The cold shirt clung to your skin, leaving not much to the imagination.

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now