Island R&R pt 1

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"Oh! Hey guys!"

You waved at the z fighters, most still visibly unnerved at seeing Cell and Junior. "Hey there y/n!" Goku ran up and patted your back with a smile.

"Hi there Goku!" You grinned widely then nodded with a wave at the other group behind him. "And friends... Welcome and please make yourselves comfortable!" They murmured amongst themselves and dispersed into their respective groups. You sighed, your shoulders slumping.

It'd been over a month since the fight, and Goku managed to not only explain the misunderstanding, but convince everyone to meet up and try to get to know you and Cell.

Cell decided that this get-together should happen on an island get away, he being the person who picked the island and designed the small houses for the weekend reprieve. Every family had a seperate home, with enough space for each member of said family. You were impressed with the lengths your partner had gone to try and be accomodating for the people he used to hate so vehemently. He truly wants by gones to be by gones, and what better way than to host a lovely island vacation!

A soft smile pulled at your face. Jeez, Cell had grown so much, you felt truly blessed. Despite this, you were still nervous about how this would go down. It was clear the entourage didn't trust you, let alone Cell. Who could blame them? He nearly killed most of them, literally killed some of them, and overall scarred all of them permanently.

You bit the corner of your cheek, your nerves nearly getting the better of you before you felt a large comforting clawed hand rest on your shoulder. Looking up, you met fuschia orbs that gleamed softly, a gentle smile pulled at Cell's handsome features.

"Worry not dear. Everyone will relax as they realize how lovely you are. When night falls, I shall prepare dinner and entertain our guests. Until then..." he picked you up bridal style and peppered you with kisses. He nibbled on your ear and chuckled at your giggles before whispering sultry in your ear.

"I've prepared a special spot, just for us this evening."

He kissed you deeply and before you could mention Junior, he pressed a thick alabaster digit to your lips. "Ah ah, Junior has been instructed to play with the dimwit simians' spawn. He will be fine. But you, my sweet little minx, well..." he kissed and nibbled the nape of your neck as he instant transmissioned you both to a secluded part of the island.

He let you down to your feet, still holding your hand until you had your balance. He seemed far more gentle than usual, seeming concentrated as you caught yourself.

"Jeez, you are such a perv you dirty little bug. You can't even wait until nigh- Mmm!" Leaning over you, he shut you up quickly with a deep passionate kiss.

"My dear, you simply have no idea what your new pheromones have been doing to me. I'm simply insatiable, have a look for yourself." He gestured to his crotch, his member already unsheathed and erect.

"Wh-what the! Hey wait a second, what do you mean by 'new pheromones'? I haven't worn any new perfume..."

He smirked, lifting you up in the air jovialy before setting you against his searing cock, still holding you tightly to his form. He smiled ear to ear, his hard erection pressing against your rear as he began suckling at your neck.

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