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You awoke groggily, the lack of warmth stirring you from a well-needed sleep. Upon opening your heavy lids, you were greeted with the sight of pitch darkness except for the dull lumination of moonlight escaping your curtains. With only a sliver of light, you could see, well feel, Cell had left the bed some time ago. Rubbing rheum from your eyes, you yawned and dangled your feet off the bed. Grimacing as your bare feet touched the cold, you opened the bedroom door.

Where did you go bug boy...

You thought with intrigue. The night was silent, the only sound being the light plaps of your feet against the wooden floor. Your eyes traced to the spot where Cell had maimed the hiker brutally, causing your heart to skip and breathing to grow to a rapid pace. He had done an excellent job of cleaning the mess, it was as if the gorey events of hours prior were nothing more than a dream... You clutched your chest and steadied your breathing.

Focus on finding Cell.

You shakily exhaled and proceeded through the thick inky darkness. The air was silent as ever, almost unnervingly so. You tried to steady the sound of blood rushing past your ears to listen carefully, your nerves being on edge didn't exactly help the situation. The symphony of twilight creatures was absent. This realization only caused your adrenaline to spike. That typically only happens when Cell is outside, most animals still being quite fearful of him. But if he is near, where is he?

You clutched at your sides and whined pathetically. After everything that occurred, you needed him, his comfort, his voice, him. Is he mad at you? Is he upset you stopped him from killing that man? Oh gods, he must've been just as scared as you! He mentioned his stay in hell only once, and when he did, his eyes were glazed with a primal fear and despair. You fell to your knees as fat hot drops fell to your cheeks. Were you selfish for pleading for that man's life? Cell simply wanted to keep himself safe, he was like a cornered animal! Who wouldn't do something rash when faced with the very real possibility of certain death and being sent to an eternity of inhuman anguish? Another feeble whimper escaped from your quivering lips.

"Well now, didn't expect you to miss me so much, my dear."

You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, and rushed to the sound of his voice. You threw your arms around the familiar form, relishing that artificial warmth exuding from his torso as you nuzzled deeper into it. Cell straightened up, his wings twitching as he relented and enveloped you in his arms. He pulled you back softly and brushed stray hairs from your face. Once satisfied, he guided your chin to look into his piercing fuschia orbs. Wiping a lingering tear with a clawed obsidian digit, he spoke softly.

"Why these tears, little one? Hmm? Tell me, my dear, can I solve what plagues you?"

You brushed a hand against his large one, and sighed as you pushed your cheek into his palm. Your mind felt cleared, the weight of angst lifted as soon as he spoke. You looked up, his face seemed so soft and serene. His eyes spoke his devotion to you, he genuinely wanted you to be comforted. His chiseled features were only accentuated by the faint glow of the moonlight in the living room. He smiled softly, rare for him, a nonsarcastic smile. A soft human smile that beckoned you to answer his question. Clearing your throat, you replied softly,

"I-I thought you were mad...you left and um...I couldn't find you.."

You spoke sheepishly, realizing how childish you seemed. You had a whole fit because you didn't see him when you woke up. A fierce blush of embarrassment washed over your cheeks as you trained your eyes to the ground. A giggle hit your ears before a burst of hearty laughter was heard. You looked up angry and flustered at Cell. How dare he laugh at you! He only laughed harder at seeing the angry pout plastered on your face. He bellowed loudly, grabbing at his sides. He heaved in deep breaths before wiping a tear from his eye as his fit subsided.

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