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I go back to my room and finally I dedicate myself to my diary. I write about what happened today: from the outpost to Tommy's bracelet, which I keep looking at: no one has ever given me something so full of meaning.

At one point, I hear a knock on the door. I look at my watch: it is 9 pm. I open and find myself in front of Nick. "Ready?" He asks. I nod, close my diary, hide it under the bed and close the door behind me.

"How was your day?" Nick asks me at one point. "Busy, I would say" I say thinking back to the races I did to look for all those people. "What about you?" I ask. "I was in the gym up to half an hour ago: working out is my only way to release tension" he says. "I only went out to take a shower" I nod. "Have you talked to Jesse?" He asks then. "Yeah and to Tommy too. I cleared it up with both of them. Jesse didn't talk to Tommy as a spy" I say. Nick takes a sigh of relief. "I'm very happy with that, I trust Jesse. It's like he's my second brother" he says.

I look away. "Did I say something wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "No, no. I just remembered one thing but nothing important" I reply. "Did you, Jesse and Glenn grow up here?" I ask, trying to divert attention from what he has noticed. "Basically yes. When my family arrived here, I was still in diapers, while Glenn was five. Our parents were already very good friends with Jesse's, because they traveled half the way together to get here: they became inseparable: you'll see them tonight! " He exclaims laughing about it. "Does Jesse have any brothers?" I ask. "No, he's an only child, but he often took care of me when I was little, which is why he sometimes called me 'Little Brother', but he stopped after Glenn found out - he's very jealous of me" he explains. "Do you and ... Glenn have a good relationship?" I ask. He turns to me. "Very nice. I couldn't wish for a better person by my side" he says. I nod and smile: who knows what it's like to grow up with a family so close to you.

We enter the barn and find a beautiful atmosphere: there are white lights on all the walls, light music, a cozy warmth and a very good small: who knows what is cooking in the pot.

Nick and I look at each other: it will be a nice evening.

Ellie comes to meet us dressed in a different way than usual: her hair are gathered in a pigtail that closes at the nape of her neck, she is wearing a red t-shirt, a military jacket and torn trousers. It gives a sense of cleanliness. "Guys! How nice to have you here!" He exclaims. "You have to help me with something right away!" He exclaims. He gets behind us and pushes us forward. "Can't we say goodbye to Joel first, since it's his party too?" Nick asks. "Nick, stop it. We all know you're here just for me," Ellie says, particularly cheerful. Nick and I laugh. Meanwhile, the red-haired girl led us to a table. "I have to put the last place marks: is Maria okay if I put her at a separate table?" He asks before bursting out laughing. Nick and I laugh heartily too. Having solved the problem of the place markers, Nick and I sit at the counter, waiting for dinner to be ready. Meanwhile, Dina and Austin join us. "Guys! How nice to see you!" Dina exclaims as if we haven't seen each other for months. She ruffles Nick's hair and he, vain as he is, walks away. "It took me a long time to fix them!" He exclaims. "You and Ellie can't really do it!" Austin exclaims. "You have the same tic of ruffling our hair! You know it bothers us!" Austin exclaims not entirely serious. "Oh yeah? I could do it again then! I know you are only happy that I touch you ..." Dina says to provoke him. Austin, after a funny expression as if to hide that Dina has hit the center of the matter, walks away saying he "wants to say hello to Joel", which we should too, but right now, he is surrounded by people.

Not long after, Ellie approaches us to say hello to Dina, as we've already lost Austin. "Hi Dina!" Ellie says quietly. He approaches her, puts a hand on her hip and kisses her on both cheeks but then, surprisingly, Dina closes her arms behind her neck and hugs her. She whispers something that Nick and I can't hear, but it seems Ellie appreciated, considering the huge smile on her face.

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